Monday, January 14, 2019

Public Disdain For Russia Probe Intensifies, Trump Approval Climbs — IBD/TIPP Poll

Tony Branco
Investor's Business Daily  . . . "Politicized Investigation
The IBD/TIPP Poll found that 51% agree that "the president's opponents are using the ongoing special counsel investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion as a way to delegitimize the 2016 election."
That includes most independents (52%), as well as the vast majority of Republicans (70%). The poll found that almost a third of Democrats (31%) agree with that statement.
Overall, 44% disagreed with that statement.
"Americans can see through this charade and recognize the 'open secret' — that the real goal of the opposition and the media is to delegitimize the outcome of the 2016 election and remove Trump from office one way or the other," said Raghavan Mayur, president of TechoMetrica who directed the poll.

"Trying To Rein In Trump
"In addition, a plurality believe that the special counsel investigation has less to do with finding Trump campaign connections with Russia, and more to do with reining Trump in as president.
"When asked if "the Department of Justice launched the special counsel investigation to rein in President Trump," 48% agreed, and 45% disagreed." . . .

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