Tuesday, May 7, 2019

If the Clinton's were an investment for you, it's too late to sell

Rich Terrell
‘An Evening With The Clintons’ Tour Ends, Ticket Prices Plummet To $2.00  . . . "The tour dates were scheduled in Clinton-friendly cities yet the struggle to put warm bodies in seats was real. Still, audience reaction has been mixed. Just last month in New York City, a tour stop brought Haitian protesters and a man in a front-row seat yelling out, “Bill, this is boring!” Ouch! That night at the Beacon Theatre, the moderator was Clinton loyalist and political consultant Paul Begala.
"Friday night’s date at Seattle’s WaMu Theater brought out the true blue Clinton supporters. The stop in Seattle, a liberal haven in the great Northwest, included actor Bradley Whitford as the moderator. Does that name sound familiar? Whitford played the role of White House Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman in The West Wing. Whitford plays the role of a political activist in real life. This week he will co-host a fundraiser in Los Angeles for Mayor Pete’s presidential campaign. Ticket prices in Seattle were deeply discounted." . . .
Hillary's solid supporters never tire of hearing her say this. . . . "What she's been telling candidates who went to her: "You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you.' "
. . . "More than two years after her loss to Donald Trump, she is still unable to accept the fact that she isn’t the leader of the free world. The Democrats have moved on and are now in the process of determining who will run for president in 2020. The Clinton era is over. Finally."
. . . "Tickets can be purchased for less than $14. Saturday evening’s show in Los Angeles saw prices drop as low as $6, while tickets for Friday’s event in Seattle could be picked up for $20. It’s a far cry from when Hillary used to reportedly command $275,000 to make speeches to Wall Street firms." . . .

She must miss the good old days when she was treated like royalty (2014)
" . . ."a presidential suite" for her and "up to three (3) adjoining or contiguous single rooms" for her staff."The Democratic presidential front-runner's "standard travel expenses" also included a chartered airplane, which should be "Gulfstream 450 or larger jet," according to the paper's information request concerning her UNLV appearance this October."Clinton's speaking agency further expected "all ground transportation" to be covered, as well as "all phone charges/cell phones and meals during their stay." "Clinton, a former secretary of state, senator, and first lady, is well-known for her speaking engagements, which are said to command fees north of $200,000. Her staff has previously touted that she donates the money to the Clinton Foundation and that she also gives free speeches." . . .

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