Friday, September 6, 2019

This Week from the Ministry of Disinformation; anti-Trump update

Added by TD
Taylor Day  . . . "Why the discrepancy between critics and viewers?  Well, Dave Chappelle's stand-up poked fun of all the things that the Left holds dear and believes cannot be mocked.  News outlets like Newsweek and Vice tried their best to eviscerate the comedian's performance on the grounds that Rotten Tomatoes rated it so low, never mentioning that the audience ratings were so high.  Vice even told people not to watch it for themselves in the headline "You Can Definitely Skip Dave Chappelle's New Netflix Special" and went on to call it misogynistic and transphobic, in typical Vice fashion.

The Alabama weather map
"President Trump has been accused by the liberal media this week of...attempting to minimize damages that Alabama may face as a result of being a gulf state during a hurricane.  As Hurricane Dorian was headed for Florida, the president made precautions and disclosed some with the free press, including keeping emergency services reserved for Alabama.
"The Left shot back, claiming that no weatherman ever predicted that scenario.  When President Trump presented his own evidence, CNN boldly went on air calling the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's own report "doctored.' " . . .

. . . 
No, Trump did not congratulate Poland for Nazi invasion
A gross headline by The Washington Post reads, "Trump congratulates Poland as it commemorates Nazi invasion" and insinuates that the president is sending accolades to Poland for being outmuscled by the Nazis in the 1930s.  The president was asked on Sunday a few questions from the media about his canceling of the scheduled trip to Poland as Hurricane Dorian approached.

UPDATE: Here it comes; wait for it...

MSNBC: Trump’s Hurricane Map Could Lead To His Impeachment…
Who are you and what have you done with Bill Kristol?

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