Thursday, September 5, 2019

CNN's #ClimateTownHall Does the Nation a Great Service

PJ Media

"Did you watch any of the CNN #ClimateTownHall and Democrat telethon Wednesday night? If you didn't, congratulations! You are a smart and normal human being.

"If you did, you saw a spectacle the likes of which we can only hope CNN or MSNBC repeats again very soon. Because it was an awful, terrible, no good night for the Democrats.

"Some ways in I took a break from enjoying my life to tune in and caught Sen. Amy Klobuchar opining on fossil fuels and the economy. Frankly, I'd thought she already dropped out of the race, but there she was. The RCP average has her at 0 in the polls, and she has 0 on the charisma scale and 0 knowledge of how our economy works. The Minnesota senator, who has zero path to the nomination, went all-in on the Democratic Party's belief that now is the time to destroy America's energy dominance and double down on a whole lot of bad ideas. She promoted "environmental justice," by which she meant destroying our thriving economy and kicking you, American voter, out of your job." . . .

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