Wednesday, December 4, 2019

"Democrats err in making skin color, not competence, the top qualification for a candidate."

Don Surber: "The departure of Kamala Harris from the Democrat presidential circus drew an unexpected bitterness from some African-Americans.
"Oh, they were not going to vote for her. Last month, The Hill reported, "47% of black voters said Biden was their first choice and 12% said both Warren and Sanders. Only 4% said Harris."
If we are to believe the poll, 96% of Democrats didn't think Harris was good enough to be president. Ah, but apparently the 96% also want her to still be a presidential candidate.
"MSNBC weekend personality Joy Reid tweeted, "The reality is that no 2020 candidate is perfect, but the extent to which people -- including the media but also would-be voters -- punished and refused to even consider Kamala Harris for flaws she frankly shared with other candidates, was telling and depressing.
. . . 
"Cory Booker, the other inexperienced black senator in this race, is upset that Harris departed. He told MSNBC, "We started with one of the most diverse fields in our history. It's a damn shame now that the only African American woman in this race, who has been speaking to issues that need to be brought up, is now no longer in it."
"Democrats offer diversity, not competence. But Booker has a point. The experienced white senators are even worse than him and Harris. One's a crook, one's a liar, and one's a commie. They are all socialists, which means they are willing to give you the shirt off your back."

1 comment:

bart simpsonson said...

Reality is that Spartacus and Karmeleon Harris do not appear to be african enough. Particularly when compared to Barky. He at least looked the part. But, he ACTED just like all the other money-grubbing Ruling Class Elite Better-Than-You. Of both parties.