Thursday, December 12, 2019

SEE IT: Street Artist Sabo Trolls Impeachment Hoaxes: ‘Adam Schiff Is Cancer’

Daily Wire
                                            Original sign:

The Street Artist returns  "Street artist Sabo has returned to troll the Democrats with an anti-smoking-themed poster illustrating the absurdity at the heart of whatever impeachment hoax the party chooses to make the cause celebre of the moment. Take a look:

"Erected at the corner of Santa Monica Blvd and Kelton near the 405 freeway in Los Angeles, California, Sabo and his merry band of trolls appropriated an American Lung Association billboard displaying the number of smoking-related deaths this year. As the photos will show, the original sign read, “Smoking Deaths This Year: 415, 949 and counting”; once Sabo had his way with it, however, the sign then read, “Impeachment Hoaxes This Year: 415, 949 and counting,” which was then followed by the explosive caption, “Adam Schiff is cancer.” . . . 

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