Monday, July 20, 2020

Seattle Council member calls on police chief to fire white cops first. Chief stunned: “It’s illegal.”

She is scary, but her voters are even more so.

Law Enforcement Today  "Seattle, WA –For the majority of Americans, the thought of more left wing shenanigans happening in Seattle would be a stretch, yet, City Council member Lisa Herbold certainly raised the bar when discussing defunding of the police department by 50% which would see several hundred officers terminated. 
"The problem for her should be the reduction of law enforcement, however, she is more concerned that only white officers be terminated.
"Herbold’s rationale for this is simple, if the standard model of layoffs are adhered to, then the least senior officers will be terminated first, leaving only the senior officers. 
"With the anticipated budget cuts to the police department, they would lose 675 officers. 
"According to KIRO7, the Seattle Police Department released a breakdown of the ethnicity of the officers who would be laid off based upon seniority; 46 Asian, 47 Black, 56 Hispanic, 59 biracial, and 526 white officers. 
"After seeing the breakdown, Herbold said this on twitter:" . . .
Justice Thurgood Marshall noted that “racial discrimination in private employment against whites [must be] on the same terms as racial discrimination against nonwhites.” It is amazing that in 2020, it seems perfectly okay to a portion of the United States that any race should be discriminated against.  To simply say that one race is better or more deserving of employment than another is not only illegal, it is immoral. 

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