Friday, October 16, 2020

Fact-Check THIS, Twitter: At ABC Town Hall Joe Biden Says “Boilermakers Overwhelmingly Endorse Me” — But Boilermakers Endorse Trump

 The Gateway Pundit  "Last night Joe Biden told George Stephanopoulos at his ABC town hall and love fest that the boilermakers support him. 

"Old Joe told this open lie to George Stephanopoulos who refused to correct him."

"But of course this is a lie.
"The boilermakers overwhelmingly support President Donald Trump who actually brought their jobs back to the Rust Belt.

"Why would they support Joe Biden when they ALL know Joe Biden will ship their jobs and livelihood to China?
–Like he did for 47 years!

"Local 154 in Pittsburgh endorsed President Trump in September."

Biden’s Town Hall Answer on Police Reform Is So Ignorant, It’s Scary  . . . "One of his responses was just so incredibly clueless, it was more than a little troubling and makes one really afraid if this guy were to get into the White House.

"He was talking about his ideas on police reform, saying that police should deescalate situations. One way they can deescalate, he claimed, was that if “someone was coming at you” that you should “shoot ’em in the leg” rather than shoot to kill." . . .

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