Friday, March 26, 2021

Black Leaders Tell Democrats They're 'Racist' for Not Supporting End of Filibuster

Please do not vote as the demagogues want you to!

 Rick Moran

"Black civil rights leaders, voting rights advocates, and elected officials are pulling out all the stops to pressure Senate Democrats into getting rid of the filibuster. They know it’s the key to enacting not just the voting rights bill, but the entire radical agenda the Democrats have concocted to transform America.

"The radicals smell blood in the water. In this hypersensitive race-conscious time, black leaders are shamelessly using race to lean on Democratic senators who aren’t entirely convinced getting rid of the filibuster would be a good thing.


Rev. Al Sharpton, the civil rights leader and former presidential candidate, said in an interview that he and others have begun talks to hold town halls and rallies in the home states of senators such as Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), who have said they oppose scrapping the filibuster. 

 “The pressure that we are going to put on Sinema and Manchin is calling [the filibuster] racist and saying that they are, in effect, supporting racism,” Sharpton said. “Why would they be wedded to something that has those results? Their voters need to know that.”" . . .

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