Friday, March 26, 2021

Joe Biden's sorriest press conference lies

  Monica Showalter  "In addled Joe Biden's mess of a press conference, described in all its glory by Andrea Widburg here, he barely knew who he was or what he was doing.

"But two particularly dishonest statements came out of him anyway, and got lapped up by the fawning press.


[Question:] So, sir, you blamed the last administration, but is your messaging and saying that these children are and will be allowed to stay in this country and work their way through this process, encouraging families like Josevs to come?

. . .  "He likes to lie.

"There's also Biden's claim that Republicans are trying to limit voting rights to Americans, through such supposedly outrageous measures such as requiring voter ID, ending same day registration voting, purging voter rolls of dead people, sharing data between states about people registered to vote in multiple states, restoring election day over election season, and prohibiting ballot-harvesting. He called it 'sick,' 'despicable,' and 'un-American,' and naturally, was projecting. Biden alluded to Democrats' masterplan to rig U.S. elections the same way they are rigged in one-party blue state California in the infamous bill that passed in the House, H.R.1, and sought to whip up support for it through false narratives to be repeated by the beating flippers of the trained seal press." . . .

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