Saturday, May 8, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse's Attorney Looks at Chauvin 'Media-Gaslit Prosecution' and Wonders if He Can Get a Fair Trial

PJ Media

"One of the jurors in the Derek Chauvin trial says deliberations finding him guilty should have been over in 20 minutes, not hours. An alternate juror 

said she was worried about the riots if the jury came to the wrong decision. The Left’s antifa and BLM shock troops deployed to intimidate witnesses and jurors in Minneapolis. The mob remained outside the courthouse for the duration of the trial. The air was filled with police flash-bangs and the stench of flaming kerosene from Molotov cocktails on some nights. Even Maxine Waters* came to town to do some verbal bomb-throwing.

"And watching all of this is Robert Barnes, who is concerned about the “mob” justice he just witnessed in the trial of the former cop convicted of killing George Floyd. He believes his client, Kyle Rittenhouse, is the next victim of a political prosecution featuring the same media narrative-setting and mob behavior.

Related: When You See Where George Floyd Juror Got His Anti-Cop T-Shirt You’ll Understand Why He Lied to Get on the Jury

"He told PJ Media the Chauvin jurors had their minds made up before setting foot in the courthouse for the first time."  More...

*Speaking of Kerosene Maxine...

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