Sunday, May 9, 2021

Identified: Shocking Video Shows 'Teacher' Hurling Racial Insults Toward LA Sheriff Deputy

Woman Who Yelled Racist Statements At Latino Cop She Called A Murderer Is College Professor Kalunda-Rae Iwamizu, AKA Kalunda Jenkins


 Julio Rosas at Townhall  "A Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff recorded a shocking interaction he had with a driver he pulled over for using her cell phone while she was operating her vehicle. During the traffic stop, the driver called the deputy sheriff a "murderer" and disparagingly called him a "Mexican." "During the traffic stop, the driver proudly proclaims that she is a teacher before continuing to berate the deputy.

"Melugin reported they have discovered the identity of the driver and it turns out she has filed multiple false complaints against deputies in the past. After this interaction, she called the Internal Affairs department within LASD to file a harassment complaint." . . . 

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