Friday, August 13, 2021

If Biden explains economics and none of us listen to him, does he still make a sound?

 With Biden and AOC shutting down America's energy independence in favor of getting oil from the Middle East, the costs of shipping food to stores will increase as well. Why on earth do people still vote Democrat? ...Oh, yes; climate change fears! Yet proponents still buy mansions on the sea shore. TD

Grocery Prices Could Rise 10 to 14 Percent By October, Grocery Chain CEO Warns 
. . . "While we can’t know for certain, Catsimatidis said rising costs could mean an astounding 10 to 14 percent specific increase in grocery prices by October. That’s truly a shocking amount. But this warning offers more than insight into the grocery industry. It’s a painful reminder of how price inflation hurts everyday Americans.
"When we hear terms like “Consumer Price Index” or “expansionary monetary policy,” the conversation surrounding inflation quickly becomes inaccessible for many people, whose eyes understandably glaze over amid discussion of the abstract-seeming phenomenon. But at its core, price inflation is simply a question of our purchasing power being eroded. Because what really matters is not the number on our paychecks, it’s what that number can buy us. " . . .

. . . How did that happen? The good news is that compensation went up 2.8 percent between March and June. But the good news ends there.

Producer price inflation, which tracks how much producers receive for goods and services, rose 7.8 percent over the last 12 months ending in July, according to CNN. This is the highest measure ever recorded since it first began being calculated in 2010." 

 Biden: CPI Showing Prices Rising At Fastest Pace Since 2008 Is ‘A Good Monthly Report’…

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