Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Remember when girls went to the bathroom to powder their noses?

Frankly, I don't know why Senator Joe Manchin stays as in the Democrat Party.  Now, I have the same question about Senator Sinema.

 Silvio Canto, Jr.

"We've come a long way from "double dates" and girls saying that they had to go to "the ladies' room" to powder their noses?  I can recall many times when the two guys left at the table wondered about whatever these girls were talking about.  It all seemed too strategic for us guys left waiting.    

"Well, that was then and this is now.  

"Over the weekend, Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona was joined in the bathroom by ladies (and one man) screaming at her and even running the iPhone to show the world what a ladies' room looks like.  

"And now Ana Navarro, who is always desperate to make the FOX News web site, has an opinion about the ladies in the bathroom.   Honestly, making the FOX site is the only way that anyone hears what Ana has to say.  Not too many people tune in to watch her on her own."...


Argus Hamilton remarked. " President Biden was asked about the protestor's harassment of Sinema caught on video in the women's restroom. Mr. Biden said he doesn't support the tactic, but said it's part of the process. The way Democrats are self-segregating lately, I was looking to see if the bathroom door read Whites Only."

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