Wednesday, October 6, 2021

They're Not Defending Their Best

 George Floyd (Eight convictions, including a prison sentence for an armed home invasion. He has more statues and murals than Thurgood Marshall, Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jordan combined.)

Ann Coulter

"Last Friday, two elected congressional Democrats, Reps. Cori Bush and Emanuel Cleaver II, wrote to Gov. Mike Parson of Missouri demanding that he pardon a triple-murderer on death row because, I quote:

"Like slavery and lynching did before it, the death penalty perpetuates cycles of trauma, violence and state-sanctioned murder in Black and brown communities."

"Two sitting members of Congress say the reason a heinous murderer was on death row is because of white supremacy -- and they are not denounced by their party. They ought to be censured. Why aren't they getting the Steve King treatment? This deranged letter didn't even make the news.

"Could the Democratic Party tell us: Under what circumstances may a convicted murderer who is black be put to death?

"The murderer in this case -- or victim of slavery, as per the Democrats -- Ernest Lee Johnson, savagely killed three employees of a local convenience store in 1994. Mary Bratcher, 46, had been stabbed in the hand 10 times with a screwdriver, eight of the wounds going clear through her hand, and smashed on the head with a hammer a dozen times. Fred Jones, 58, had been shot in the face, nonfatally, then hit on the head with a claw hammer nearly a dozen times, including the claw-side, collapsing his eyeball into his skull. Mabel Scruggs, 57, had been bashed on the head 10 times with the claw hammer.". . . 

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