Monday, February 7, 2022

Look with dawning horror at the presidential line of succession -

 As old, decrepit, and heavily-surgerized as Pelosi is, there's no guarantee she'd be able to finish Biden's four-year term in office.  In the unlikely event that Biden, Harris, and Pelosi all get knocked out of the game, who's left in the bullpen?

American Thinker  "In Major League Baseball, starting pitchers get plenty of press, all the glory, and the really big bucks.  But true aficionados of the sport know that a team is only as good as its bullpen, a collection of lesser-known pitchers who are called upon when the starting pitcher runs out of gas.

"When it comes to the U.S. government, who's our big stud starting pitcher?  Why, that would be "Clueless Joe" Biden, the crusty old conniver who turns eighty in November.

"Clueless Joe may have once had a political fastball and the ability to put it where he wanted.  But as he turns eighty, Joe Biden's physically and mentally shot.  All he serves up now is slop.  Even the lying left-wing media are starting to admit what's been patently obvious to anyone with a working cerebrum: clueless Joe has run out of gas.

"It's only a matter of time before America has to make that call to the bullpen.  And whom do we have warming up in the bullpen, you ask?

"Why, that would be the crafty leftie from California, "Heels Up" Harris.  Harris earned her moniker by being Willie Brown's side piece as she, um, climbed the ladder of political success.

"As California's deputy attorney general, Heels Up sent hundreds of blacks to prison for marijuana offenses.  But years later, when the political winds had changed, Harris laughed off her prior actions.". . .

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