Monday, February 7, 2022

Thanks, Whoopi! Why Holocaust Education Is Mostly Counter-Productive

Although she is a fool in the way she processes facts, [(“Whoopi Goldberg”)] is intelligent and absorbs a wide variety of information. Her job of many years at The View requires her to be well read and able to discuss all kinds of issues. Yet she still knows absolutely nothing about the Holocaust after all these years. . .

By @DovFischerRabbi.

For one thing, fifty years of Holocaust education has not brought young Jews closer to Judaism.

"Really, as one thinks about it, could it be any other way? If you take kids from age 7 or 10, and you don’t give them Chumash (Torah studies) or meaningful real Shabbat (Sabbath) or a kosher home or meaningful substantive history of modern Israel … and the only Jewish

identity you give them is a narrative about terrible people who slaughtered 6 million of their forebears … and those forebears did not fight back and no one helped … and the same thing has gone on for 2,000 years of getting murdered by miserable people while no one comes to help …
"Well, how in the world will that inspire kids to say, “When I grow up, I want to marry a Jewish spouse, even if I meet someone else who seems more compatible, because I want to hand this legacy of victimization and martyrdom to my future generations”?
"So a fortune is spent by American Jewish secular organizations on museums, school curricula, and Holocaust centers, while the assimilated Jewish leaders of the ADLs and Federations avoid confronting that they are not themselves suited for their roles and are failing their future generations. Before they know what hit them, they are coming to rabbis like me, begging rabbis to convert the non-Jews marrying their kids. We meet with those non-Jewish prospective spouses and find they are sweet and delightful enough but, really, don’t want to convert, are happy as they are. “Rabbi,” they tell us, “I don’t believe in the Torah. I don’t believe in Jesus either. I don’t believe in G-d. I just believe in love.”

Makin’ Whoopi Gone - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  "Goldberg was caught by the inconsistency of her worldview."

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