Thursday, March 3, 2022

Did Biden really make his case?

But in Tuesday night's official GOP response to Biden, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said that, while "standing in solidarity with the brave people of Ukraine," Americans "shouldn't ignore" Biden's prior moves such as "Waiving sanctions on Russian pipelines while limiting oil production here at home; focusing on political correctness rather than military readiness; reacting to world events instead of driving them."

 Carl P. Leubsdorf (  "President Joe Biden gave two distinct State of the Union speeches. The first one was better.

"Biden drew repeated bipartisan applause with a vigorous denunciation of Russian President Vladimir Putin's unprovoked Ukraine power grab and a vow that "freedom will always triumph over tyranny."

"But the night largely lapsed into familiar partisan divisions when he returned to domestic issues, defending his administration's progress in spurring the economy and fighting the COVID pandemic, outlining steps to curb inflation and again touting his stalled environmental and social legislation.

"As a result, it's an open question if Biden was able to strengthen public perception of his leadership at a time his negative poll numbers suggest Democrats are headed for substantial losses in November's elections.". . .

HERE THEY ARE! The Top 5 Most BIZARRE Moments At Joe Biden's SOTU Speech [VIDEO] (

   The Democrats spent so much time jumping up to clap for the most unpopular “president” in modern history that, amazingly, none of the geriatric, lifetime politicians weren’t wheeled away on a stretcher.

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