Thursday, March 3, 2022

LIKE A BOSS...Gov DeSantis Tells Students To Take Off Their Masks: "Honestly, it's not doing anything. We've gotta stop with this Covid theater!"

 100%FedUp    "From almost the beginning of the pandemic, Governor Ron DeSantis stood toe-to-toe with Dr. Fauci and the CDC, fighting back against COVID-related mandates in his state. He became somewhat of a role model for other governors when bucking the “science,” peddled by the flip-flopping Dr. Fauci.

"When states across America were locking down their citizens and stripping them of fundamental human rights, Governor Ron DeSantis gave citizens in his state the choice to decide if they wanted to wear masks (or not) and if they wanted to be vaccinated (or not).

"At the peak of the pandemic, hypocrite Democrat leaders like Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who imposed some of the most draconian lockdown rules of any governor in America, escaped her own authoritarian rules and fled to sunny Florida where citizens were allowed to live freely and make their own health-related decisions.". . .

. . ."AOC, who chastised others for not following mask rules in the Communist state of New York, was recently seen in southern Florida enjoying a MASKLESS vacation with her fiancé.". . .

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