Thursday, March 23, 2023

‘Game-Changer’ Costello Testimony May Have Sunk Manhattan DA’s Case Against Trump, Dershowitz Says

 Resist the Mainstream

On Monday, former federal prosecutor Robert Costello testified that Michael Cohen “couldn’t tell the truth if you put a gun to his head.” Costello later referred to Cohen as a “serial liar.” But he still could be president.

"On Wednesday, famed Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz echoed what RTM reported on Tuesday — that Robert Costello’s testimony regarding the questionable integrity and trustworthiness of Michael Cohen significantly undermined the strength of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s argument.

"Bragg is seeking to indict former President Donald Trump on felony charges regarding falsified business records and paying “hush money” through a third party in 2016 to conceal a sexual encounter in 2006. 

"One of Bragg’s key witnesses is Michael Cohen, and the other is Stormy Daniels, who previously presented false information to a court, and few consider her a reputable witness.

"According to Dershowitz, Costello’s testimony and poor execution on Bragg’s part likely derailed any chance of a grand jury indictment.. . ."

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