Sunday, May 14, 2023

Joe Biden campaigns for black votes; best he can do is offer racial division, instead of jobs and prosperity

 Monica Showalter

Biden of course is an elderly white man with a record of racially skeevy statements -- everything from declaring President Obama 'clean' and 'articulate.' to criticizing racial desegregation measures as a 'racial jungle,' to making offensive jokes about industrious Indian immigrants working in low-wage service jobs, serving him. 

 . . ."His Republican rivals have made many such 'firsts' too, so that's not the winning hand he wants his audience to think.

What he's offering is thin gruel, if not downright slop, compared to what his predecessor, President Trump, brought to the black community on his watch.

Under Trump, black Americans "thrived" economically, as USAToday put it. Black unemployment rate hit record lows, accompanied by record-high black labor force participation. Black homeownership rose to new heights, and black prosperity amassed significantly. 

It did so for the same reason those economic indicators rose significantly among white Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, handicapped people, ex-prisoners, and everyone else -- tax cuts, ending bureaucratic red tape on job-creators and creating respect abroad.

Remember this?

America’s first black billionaire says Trump economy has been good for African Americans. . .

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