Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Carlson added: "If you're looking for the leader of the coup, there he is right there."


"In his Tuesday night monologue on Twitter, Tucker Carlson exposed how the war for democracy in Ukraine is actually unraveling democracy in the process. 
“We are currently fighting a war for democracy on behalf of a leader who just casually announced he's happy to end democracy and our democracy and supporting leaders have no problem with that,” he said, “in fact, they're strongly for it.” 
"Carlson was referring to President Zelensky’s response to a reporter wondering if elections will be held next year. 
“ 'If we win, there will be an election next year,” the Ukrainian leader said. “Elections should be held in peacetime when there is no war…”
 “ 'That's not just any autocrat, that's our chief ally in the war for democracy,” Carlson pointed out, adding that President Biden just reaffirmed America’s commitment to supporting Ukraine’s “defense and its sovereignty and its territorial integrity.” 
 "You should have seen this coming," Carlson said. "Wars for democracy always cancel democracy in the process - that's why our leaders love them and they all do it - even The Virtuous leaders Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, the British government under Winston Churchill threw an entire opposition party into prison and let them rot for the duration - in some cases with their families. ". . .
Wait for it...

“We don't know obviously this is all just guessing but we do know whoever that is will have to have two essential criteria: he'll have to be as shallow, ruthless, and transactional as Joe Biden is, and he'll need to have flattery skills that are so polished and advanced they'd be considered superior even in the Saudi Royal Court and there's only one man in modern America who fits that description: Gavin Newsom, the  governor of California and perhaps not coincidentally Joe Biden's new closest friend.”

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