Thursday, June 6, 2024

D-Day honored.


Roosevelt's prayer for our troops. Images from a number of films including "Saving Private Ryan", "Band of Brothers", "The Pacific" "Masters of the Air" and others.

"Eighty years since D-Day.  The youngest soldier storming ashore that day would be 98 today.  Only slightly more than 100,000 of the gallant souls who made up the sixteen million Americans who served in uniform in the Great Crusade, in Ike’s phrase, are still with us.  Time is doing what the forces of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan could not do.  All too soon World War II will slip from living memory.  Very sad and very inevitable.  This fact makes it incumbent upon us to remember what they did, especially the silent victors who never came home from that War.

"They have been called the greatest generation.  I am sure that most of them would reject that title, maybe putting in a vote for the generation that won the American Revolution or the generation that fought the Civil War.  Modesty has been a hallmark of their generation." . . .

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