Thursday, June 6, 2024

2 of Hunter Biden’s exes describe his years of drug abuse

 2 of Hunter Biden’s exes describe his years of drug abuse (

. . ."The next witness was Zoe Kestan, a former romantic partner of Biden. She testified that she met him on Dec. 17, 2017, when she worked at a strip club in midtown Manhattan and he booked her and another woman for a private dance. Biden played the music by the indie folk band Fleet Foxes on his phone — and he smoked something she assumed was crack.

"I felt really safe around him,” she said.

"She saw him again a week later, and they stayed together for five days at the Soho Grand hotel. He typically smoked crack every 20 minutes, she testified, and he was “just so charming and so nice. At the time, I felt myself having feelings for him.”

"They remained involved over the following months, and traveled to California in the spring of 2018. He continued using crack frequently, Kestan said.

"During her testimony, prosecutors showed photos from her phone that included crack pipes. One photo showed Biden in a bathtub holding a crack pipe." . . .

. . ."Cleveland said he saw Biden fill out the entire part of the form he was required to fill, including when he checked a box answering “no” to the question about drug use or addiction. He said Biden offered his passport as the requisite identification, and that he took it to the back of the store and showed it to the shop’s owner and another salesman, since it was his first time using a passport as a buyer’s identification. The other salesperson told Cleveland that they needed identification with Biden’s address, like a vehicle registration. That salesperson, Jason Turner, then handled Biden’s background check and filled out the part of the form that the gun store is required to handle. Turner used red ink for portions of the form, Cleveland said." . . .

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