Monday, August 19, 2024

Black Wisconsin Voter: I'm Leaning Toward Trump Because Kamala Is a Liar


"We’ve all had fun highlighting Kamala Harris’ social awkwardness. Donald Trump has been brutal to her in his rallies, but it’s not necessary. There’s a reason why this woman is keeping her mouth shut: she’s a lightweight and an absolute disaster on policy. Why is this silent monk routine amusing?

"Her entire agenda is Joe Biden’s, and her name is right next to his in all the White House policy rollouts. When she does speak, it’s an incoherent trainwreck. Keeping Biden and Harris attached at the hip in the messaging is essential, and voters aren’t dumb either. 

"ABC News interviewed a black Wisconsin woman who was unafraid to say she was leaning towards Trump, citing the former president’s ‘no tax on tips’ policy, which this woman said Kamala stole. 

“ 'She's [Kamala] just been kind of caught up in a lot of lies,” she added. 

"Black voters are an interesting demographic this cycle since a) they didn’t like Joe Biden, and b) they’re not overly jacked up about Kamala Harris either. They’re willing to veer away from the DNC’s laughable propaganda about the economy. In Philadelphia, one black woman broke down about how inflation is killing the community without actually doing it, placing blame on the federal government—aka the Biden administration." . . . 

Is Kamala Drunk?  "There is a lot of chatter on Twitter/X regarding Kamala Harris' bizarre word salads. 

"For a long time, people have just assumed she is a moron, and I admit that this has been my working theory. She rose through the ranks of Democratic politics on the back of relationships with powerful people, implying that intelligence was not the driving force in her rise to power. 

"She certainly is not charismatic, regardless of what the current propaganda keeps trying to sell to us. Until the media decided that they had no choice but to back her with all their firepower, they were actually quite disgusted by her, probably because of her collapse in the Democratic race in 2019. They had been 100% behind her and she collapsed into a heap of dung in that campaign. 

"Now there is an alternate theory about why she is so incoherent, and once you look, you can't unsee the likelihood that it is true." . . . 

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