Monday, August 19, 2024

Kamala’s inflation rhetoric misses the real culprit

Jack Hellner 

. . ."Of course, to Democrats, oil companies, which have made the country thrive for over 150 years, are evil.  They should be thankful that oil companies have greatly improved our quality and length of life instead of seeking to destroy them."

 "Kamala is outraged at grocery stores that have a net profit margin of around 2%.  Somehow, she blames them for the high inflation that is causing them to live paycheck to paycheck, clean out their savings, and run up their credit card debt. 

"But she didn’t say a word about Google, whose net profit margin is 13 times what the grocery store margins are.  Could it be that they are special because they find a way to favor Democrats and harm Republicans on their almost monopolistic search engine?  Could it be that they are special as they support the green pushers while their carbon footprint, with their data centers and A.I., is massive?

"It seems that as long as they pretend, they will be special and not blamed for inflation. 

"Facebook also was not mentioned despite its margin being 34.34%, or 17 times a grocery store’s.  Of course, Zuckerburg spent hundreds of millions to beat Trump in 2020." . . .

. . ."If Kamala wants to blame someone for high inflation, she should look at all the people who are allowed to rob stores blind in California and elsewhere, where there are no repercussions.  Their net profit margin is 100%, and stores either have to offset the costs with higher prices close.  Who is to blame for this?  Kamala herself supported Prop. 47, which allows stealing up to $950 every day in as many stores as they like.  Not once have I heard Kamala rail against this idiotic law or against Soros-supported prosecutors who allow career criminals to roam the street and destroy society."

Meanwhile, in Kamala’s city of San Francisco.

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