Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Megyn Kelly Goes Scorched EARTH Fact-Checking AOC for Claiming Kamala Grew Up 'Middle Class'


"We knew Democrats would be working really really really hard to sell Kamala Harris this week and full disclosure, we expected them to push some of the craziest and most blatant lies imaginable HOWEVER, we're never really quite prepared to watch AOC talk about, well, anything.

"There is just so much this broad gets wrong we can only assume it's on purpose.

"Surely no one is this stupid, even on the Left, right?


"For example, Sandy thought people would believe her WHOPPER about Kamala Harris growing up middle class. Most kids in the middle class don't have a professor at Berkeley for a parent. Megyn Kelly was good enough to drop this short but definitely NOT sweet fact on AOC's empty head."

"The 'Ummm' is a nice touch, don't you think?" . . .

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