Tuesday, August 20, 2024

My Fellow American Jews: Kamala Harris' Democratic Party Is No Party for Us

 Lee Zeldin Opinion  

Days after she took over her party's nomination, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a Joint Address to Congress. Instead of doing her duty and presiding over the Senate Chambers, she chose to visit with a college sorority. 

"The Democrat Party's failure to address the rising tide of antisemitism within its ranks has reached a dangerous tipping point, and Vice President and Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris' actions are emboldening those who hate Jews.

"Since the October 7 massacre, countless radicals within the Democrats' base have taken to the streets. They use Hamas's attack as their rallying cry. They wave the flags of terror organizations on our streets, chant "Death to America" on our soil, and block Jewish students from academic facilities on our college campuses.

"Through silence at times and blatant pandering at others, Kamala Harris is choosing to be led by these people. Meanwhile, her flip-flopping on positions across the board is giving the nation whiplash. Suddenly, Harris wants to accept zero responsibility for the border failures under her watch. She is making believe she isn't on video pushing a fracking ban, and is ridiculously trying to recast President Trump's proposed elimination of tax on tips as her own.

"One area Harris refuses to change course on is her pandering to far-Left Jew haters in her party. After successfully executing her palace coup, ousting the sitting President at the top of the Democrat ticket, and disenfranchising 14 million Democrat voters in the process, Harris could have sent a resounding message to her party faithful that she will no longer tolerate the Hamas sympathizers in their ranks. Instead, every action she has taken since becoming the presumptive Democrat nominee has sent a chilling reminder to Jewish voters across the country that we are not safe under Democrat rule." . . .

Look Who's Really Behind Pro-Palestinian Protests at the DNC   . . ."Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP) and CODEPINK also play significant roles. Both groups amplify harmful antisemitic tropes, masking their bigotry under the guise of political activism. JVP, for instance, refers to itself as the "Jewish wing" of the Palestinian solidarity movement and exploits its "Jewish" identity as a shield against criticism. CODEPINK, meanwhile, has engaged in campaigns that depict Israel and its supporters in deeply negative, dehumanizing ways, further contributing to the spread of antisemitism. In the aftermath of the brutal Hamas massacre in October 2023, CODEPINK referred to the "resistance of Palestinians," highlighting their alignment with extremist ideologies and their complicity in spreading hate and division." . . .   "Outside two cars, there was also two young ladies, naked from the waist down," Shmael told CBS News. "One of the victims was gunshot down in the lower part of her body." - CBS News   If Codepink is anti violence, why not condemn Hamas and Oct 7th?

Opinion | Why I Can’t Stop Writing About Oct. 7 - The New York Times 

"A few weeks ago, my mother was watching footage of a Jewish student being taunted and mobbed by anti-Israel demonstrators at Harvard after he tried to film them. “I was born in hiding,” she told me. “I don’t want to die in hiding.'  ” . . .

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