Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Andrew Yang Update: From Biden to Gabbard, here’s what Harris’ past debates show before a faceoff with Trump

"Que Mala!" means "How Bad!"

RealityBites by Broc Smith

Election 2024: Here's what Harris' past debates show before a faceoff with Trump | AP News  A former San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general, Harris has long presented her debating prowess as a strength, and her sharp questioning of opponents has produced many a career highlight. But she has also had testy exchanges that didn’t play as well." . . .
. . ."Gabbard said Harris “put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.” With the audience roaring, Gabbard further accused Harris of having “blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so.”
"Gabbard now says she was surprised that Harris’ record hadn’t been more carefully scrutinized during the primary. She said she uncovered the issues she raised not with opposition research, but by using Google.
" 'I was surprised at how unprepared she was to respond to them. Just from, you know, I would imagine that you’d prepare before going into a debate,” Gabbard said in an interview. “And also that she made no attempt to deny them or frankly justify them, if she was proud of those decisions.” . . .

Harris acknowledges Biden had a 'slow start' in debate and tries to calm Democratic fears | AP News  . . ."As she acknowledged Biden’s uneven performance, Harris emphasized the substance of Trump’s remarks during the 90-minute debate, including his refusal to condemn the rioters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as well as his unwillingness to emphatically commit to accepting the results of this November’s election.
“ 'Last night clarified the stakes of this election,” Harris said.
"Her event in Las Vegas and her television interviews after Biden’s debate were apparent efforts to calm Democratic panic. Hours earlier in Raleigh, North Carolina, Biden appeared to acknowledge the criticism of his performance, saying ”I don’t debate as well as I used to.' ” . . .

'Terrified' Kamala Harris Accused of Seeking Debate Rule Changes Out of Fear of Facing Donald Trump - EconoTimes  
The controversy underscores the high stakes of this election, where every move is scrutinized, and every decision could have far-reaching consequences. For now, the focus is on whether Harris will confront Trump under the traditional debate rules or whether her campaign will succeed in negotiating the modifications they are reportedly seeking.

Harris Campaign’s Cheap New Debate Gambit Reveals Its Fears | National Review    . . .“Debates don’t matter . . . unless someone faceplants.” Of course, back then, the first debate may well have mattered significantly: Donald Trump didn’t exactly faceplant, but — because he was suffering from an as-yet-undisclosed bout of Covid himself, one that put Chris Christie, his unlucky debate-prep partner, in the hospital and nearly in his grave — he gave a disastrously interrupting, impatient performance that night. ' . . .

UPDATE: Andrew Yang: What I Learned After Debating Kamala Harris 5 Times | Opinion (msn.com) 

 . . ."So, what would I say about Harris as a debater? She gets high marks for poise and being able to recall and deliver messages. She prefers to use notes, which makes sense given her legal background—she used the time before the moderators got started to reproduce notes on the notepaper we were given. (Note: I did the exact same thing.) She certainly has the stamina for a 90-minute debate. She'll expect hostility from Trump, and I expect her to be steady and strong. She was taken by surprise by Tulsi Gabbard's pointed and persistent attacks four years ago but there will be no surprise here. Outside of the primaries, she debated former Vice President Mike Pence four years ago, and I thought that she was clear and composed throughout." . . .

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