Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The American blueprint for failed negotiations in the Middle East -

 CarolineGlick  "The White House is pressuring Israel to throw in the towel, but will Prime Minister Netanyahu give in to the unprecedented pressure?

"While it may seem that America is trying to protect Israel from an attack by Iran and its proxies, the truth is that the Biden administration is also containing Israel and preventing a victory.

"I discuss the U.S.’s game plan and how explains the difference between Donald Trump’s foreign policy and the foreign policy we’ll experience if Kamala Harris is elected."

“Harris and Biden need to acknowledge Hamas is a terrorist organization and treat them like it, rather than pressuring Israel.”  
"Former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, who served during the Trump administration, slammed President Joe Biden for claiming that Israel is at fault for not securing a hostage deal with Hamas.
"When asked by a reporter if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is “doing enough” to bring about a deal, Biden clearly answered “no.”
"Biden’s comments, made just hours after the IDF discovered the bodies of hostages brutally executed by Hamas terrorists, sparked outraged.
"Haley wrote on social media platform X that U.S. pressure directed at Israel for a ceasefire had emboldened the terror group.
" 'Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an American citizen, was executed in Gaza. Seven Americans are still being held hostage by the same terrorists who murdered Hersh,” Haley posted on her X account.
“ 'It’s unacceptable. America should demand Hamas and their funders, Iran, release the hostages immediately. Harris and Biden need to acknowledge Hamas is a terrorist organization and treat them like it, rather than pressuring Israel,” she added.
"Haley also posted a video of Goldberg-Polin’s mother, Rachel, speaking at his funeral on Monday.
" 'How many more of these funerals have to happen before Kamala Harris and Joe Biden start playing hardball and put the sanctions back on Iran?” she wrote as a caption to the video.
“Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, none of these terror groups take this administration seriously. Cut off their money so the horror stops.' ” . . .

Joe Biden is a laughingstock around the world; a ridiculous man and just the type today's Democrats elect. TD

Joy as a form of politics has quite a Nazi history; Phyllis Chesler    "About #Kamala's Party of #Joy. Joy as a form of political activism has quite the #Nazi history. #Tax incentives and #bread and circuses was what the KDF offered the masses. They called it NS Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude (Strenth through Joy) and it was a Nazi operated organization which began in 1933 and lasted until the outbreak of the war, after which, their mandate was transformed into caring for and entertaining Nazi soldiers. The KDF was under the sponsorship of the National Labor Front. It provided sporting events, mandatory physical exercise, gymnastics, dancing classes for women, free or low-cost concerts, theater, and art exhibits, improved hygeine at workplaces, tax incentives, and government sponsored holidays, including cruises for the masses. The films and plays were pure propaganda.

Tax incentives for the masses? Does the Democrat Party know this history? If they do, why would they choose such a tainted brand? Or, is their model the "black joy" movement, a "joy that no #White man can steal." (Read Tracey Michael L'Lewis Giggetts in "Black Joy." But maybe the Democrat Party does not know about this either.

"Oh America, America, you/we are so lost.

"Please Democrats: Find another inspiration for political activism."  

AF Branco

Kam's push for Palestinian statehood   . . ."Secondly, if the incompetents in D.C. hadn't been trying to court Hamas-supporting constituents —on the grounds, as Biden said at the Democratic National Convention, that "they have a point" —they might have behaved like the allies of Israel that they've been professing to be since Oct. 7. Yes, had they not kept trying to block it from entering Rafah, or withholding weapons shipments as leverage, Goldberg-Polin and many others might well have been rescued by now.

"This brings us back to Harris, who made sure, in her inarticulate fashion, to stress that she'll toe the party line on Gaza: nodding slightly to the Jewish community by purporting to back Israel's right to be upset about the atrocities of Oct. 7, while attempting to appeal to progressive antisemites.

" 'We have got to get a deal done," she told Bash. "We were in Doha [the capital of Qatar, where some of the ceasefire negotiations were held]. We have to get a deal done. This war must end. And we must get a deal that is about getting the hostages out. I've met with the families of the American hostages. Let's get the hostages out. Let's get the ceasefire done."

"Bash interjected, "But no change in policy in terms of arms so forth?"

"Harris said a perfunctory "no," repeating, "I —we —have to get a deal done. Dana, we have to get a deal done. When you look at the significance of this to the families, to the people who are living in that region, a deal is not only the right thing to do to end this war, but will unlock so much of what must happen next."

"Not a mention of Hamas's refusal to accept any deal that doesn't guarantee its continued reign, nor of the inconvenient fact that it never agreed to release all the hostages." . . .

"Harris was admitting that, from the day after Palestinian terrorists committed the worst atrocities against Jews since the Holocaust —before Israeli boots even touched the ground in Gaza, but while rockets continued to be launched from the Strip into the south, and Hezbollah in Lebanon fired missile barrages on the north —Team Biden was promoting a narrative of moral equivalence between perpetrator and victim." . . .

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