Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Kamala must have spent too much time with Joe "Walter Mitty" Biden the past four years

Kamala Harris Mocked for Claim Grandmother Promoted Abortion in India  "Harris relayed that she comes from “a long line of tough, trailblazing and phenomenal women,” recalling how her grandmother would visit villages armed with a bullhorn, promoting access to abortion.

“ 'My grandmother would go into villages in India… with a bullhorn talking with the women about the need to have access to reproductive health care,” she recounted, in what was considered a revolutionary stance in a culture where women’s rights were often suppressed.

"The 2024 Democratic presidential candidate noted that her grandmother persisted despite facing backlash and her grandfather’s concern that her activism might end his career.

“ 'She was an extraordinary woman,” she added."  Video

Comrade Kamala's Tie-Breaking IRA Vote Broke Medicare; She’s Covering it Up with a Taxpayer-Funded Bailout  . . ."Americans know that everything has become more expensive under Biden and Harris – gas, groceries, housing. But perhaps the worst impact the IRA had was breaking health care for America’s seniors, spurring the biggest spike in Medicare Part D premiums ever. The IRA re-wrote Medicare Part D, changing it from a program that relied on markets and competition to keep costs down, to a command-and-control style program with price controls set by bureaucrats in Washington, DC. And the consequences have been devastating." 

"For the 50 million Americans enrolled in Medicare Part D, after 15 years of stability, premiums went up more than 20 percent in 2024 and are expected to increase by almost 50 percent in 2025.

"And here’s the latest. To temporarily defray the premium hikes on seniors right before the election, the Biden-Harris administration is bailing out Part D insurers with billions in taxpayer dollars to conceal the increases. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is calling it a “premium stabilization” for stand-alone prescription drug plans, the full details of which have been spelled out in an excellent report by Paragon Health Institute."...

Harris just confirmed that packing the Supreme Court is DEFINITELY on the ballot... - Revolver News   "The US Supreme Court isn’t perfect, but it hasn’t been completely weaponized… yet. In fact, the court has recently come through on several key issues, voting in favor of truth and justice. One recent ruling, which affirmed presidential immunity, was a huge victory for President Trump—and for the entire country. But don’t get too excited, because the entire US Supreme Court is on the ballot this election season.
"VP Harris made that painfully clear when she was asked about “stacking the court,” something the American people clearly don’t want—but her radical, extremist base would love to see.
"Americans don’t like the idea of messing with the US Supreme Court because, let’s be honest, there’s literally no reason to do it—except for a blatant power grab.
"The only reason Dems are pushing to “stack” the court is because they don’t like some of the decisions it’s made. Sorry, but that’s not a good enough reason to upend our entire system." . . .

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