Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Trump’s rhetoric vs. Harris’s policies

"[Harris’s national security adviser Phil Gordon]'s pro-Iran and pro-Hamas positions are shared by his colleague and fellow Harris adviser Ilan Goldenberg. Both men are expected to receive senior foreign policy positions in a Harris administration." Caroline Glick

Trump’s rhetoric vs. Harris’s policies -  . . ."Since Oct. 7, Harris has been the most outspoken critic of Israel in the administration. Just three weeks after the Hamas invasion, and in the midst of the worst eruptions of antisemitism in the United States in 90 years, Harris announced on X that the Biden administration would develop “the first ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia.” She then added, falsely, “As the result of the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, we have seen an uptick in anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab and Islamophobic incidents across America.”

"Last week Harris raised concerns about her commitment to Israel’s security when she met with the heads of the most viciously anti-Israel and pro-Hamas group in the Democratic party ahead of an election rally in Michigan. 

"Harris spoke with the heads of the so-called “Uncommitted National Movement,” the group that convinced thousands of pro-Hamas voters in Michigan to vote “uncommitted” rather than vote for Biden in the Michigan primaries. According to the Washington Free Beacon, the two leaders in the conversation with Harris were Abbas Alawieh, former chief of staff for Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.), and Layla Elabed, sister of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.). Tlaib and Bush, of course are outspoken in their hatred for Israel and for American Jews who support Israel. After losing her Democratic primary in a landslide defeat on Aug. 6, Bush committed herself to destroying the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. In her words, “AIPAC, I’m coming to tear your kingdom down!”

"Alawieh and Elabed told Harris that they want the United States to impose an arms embargo on Israel. Harris reportedly responded that she is “open” to a discussion on the issue. While Harris’s aides have breathlessly insisted that she never expressed any support for an arms embargo and that she opposes an arms embargo, Harris supported the administration’s decision to block shipments of several critical weapons systems to Israel."

For the past hundred years, Jews have favored Democrats over Republicans by averages of over 60%. This week pollster Richard Baris released a survey that found Harris’s support among Jews stands at a mere 52.7%, with 45.9% favoring Trump. Trump has a narrow lead against Harris among Jewish voters in New York. 

Trump’s rhetoric is doubtless hard for liberal Jews to absorb. But Harris’s policies and positions on Israel and on Jews are much worse.

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