Friday, October 11, 2024

Kamala Harris’s ‘Real Men’ Ad is Nothing But Cringe and Desperation

Sorry, but Kamala is no Margaret Thatcher nor a Tulsi Gabbard and that is why she will not get my vote. Has it not dawned on Democrats that most men are not afraid of women; just this woman? And...Hillary! 

 Legal Insurrection  "A new Kamala Harris ad features men who are supposedly “man enough” to vote for her.

"Because, of course, every man who doesn’t vote for Harris hates women! Duh. It has absolutely nothing to do with her incompetence, attitude, and not telling us how she’ll be different from Biden.

"They all declare they’re “a man” before telling us why. Here are a few snippets. I’m laughing so hard. Like snort laughing.

  • “I’m man enough to enjoy a barrel proof bourbon.”
  • “I’m man enough to deadlift 500 then braid my daughter’s hair.”
  • “You think I’m afraid to rebuild a carburetor? I eat carburetors for breakfast.”
  • “I’ll tell you another thing. I sure am not afraid of women.”
  • “Man enough to know what kind of donuts I like.”
  • “Man enough to admit I’m lost, even when I refuse, to ask for directions.”
  • “Man enough to ban young women from reading.”
  • “I’m man enough to be emotional in front of my wife, in front of my kids, in front of my horse.”
  • I’m man enough to tell you that I cry at love, actually, Goodwill Hunting, West Side Story.”  
  • On the subject of Kamala ads:  “I’m speaking!” Kamala wants to be the one to interrupt

    "If you paid any attention to Kamala Harris during her brief time in the US Senate, you know interrupting others is the only weapon in Kamala’s rhetorical arsenal.

    "She did it all the time in Senate hearings.

    "She’d couch a question in a longwinded lecture. That way, if the witness attempted to answer the question, she could angrily deride him for daring to interrupt her longwinded, completely unnecessary lecture.

    "Kamala deployed her “I’m speaking!” rhetorical device to showboat in Senate hearings hoping to generate a viral moment that would get airtime on cable news and attention on social media.

    "The questions Kamala asked were immaterial. She didn’t want an answer. She wanted a viral moment that showed her berating a witness for daring to interrupt her scripted speech." . . .

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