Friday, October 11, 2024

Israel will go after Iran’s ‘crown jewels’ next, former US general predicts

Fox News contributor Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg reacts to the rising tensions in the Middle East during an appearance on ‘Varney & Co.’ Video

Biden was a roadblock, but Obama would have given Iran advance notice against Israel. TD

Back in the Obama era, this was the international status:  Why Middle Eastern leaders are talking to Putin, not Obama – POLITICO  "The United States has significantly more military capability in the Middle East today than Russia — America has 35,000 troops and hundreds of aircraft; the Russians roughly 2,000 troops and, perhaps, 50 aircraft — and yet Middle Eastern leaders are making pilgrimages to Moscow to see Vladimir Putin these days, not rushing to Washington. Two weeks ago, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to see the Russian president, his second trip to Russia since last fall, and King Salman of Saudi Arabia is planning a trip soon. Egypt’s president and other Middle Eastern leaders have also made the trek to see Putin.

"Why is this happening, and why on my trips to the region am I hearing that Arabs and Israelis have pretty much given up on President Barack Obama? Because perceptions matter more than mere power: The Russians are seen as willing to use power to affect the balance of power in the region, and we are not." . . .

. . ."As I hear on my visits to the region, Arabs and Israelis alike are looking to the next administration. They know the Russians are not a force for stability; they count on the United States to play that role. Ironically, because Obama has conveyed a reluctance to exercise American power in the region, many of our traditional partners in the area realize they may have to do more themselves. That’s not necessarily a bad thing unless it drives them to act in ways that might be counterproductive. For example, had the Saudis been more confident about our readiness to counter the Iranian-backed threats in the region, would they have chosen to go to war in Yemen — a costly war that not surprisingly is very difficult to win and that has imposed a terrible price? Obama has been right to believe that the regional parties must play a larger role in fighting the Islamic State. He has, unfortunately, been wrong to believe they would do so if they thought we failed to see the bigger threat they saw and they doubted our credibility." . . .

Dershowitz Goes Off on Obama Over Israel Comments: 'I'm Ashamed That I Was Your Friend' (The Western Journal)   . . ." 'What Hamas did was horrific and there’s no justification for it," Obama stated.

" 'And what is also true is that the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable," he added, which drew applause from the audience.

"If you want to solve the problem, you have to take in the whole truth, and you have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree," Obama said.

"Obama says Israel is engaging in “OCCUPATION” Of Palestinian land.

"Then makes a moral equivalency between the State of Israel and Hamas.

"Hard to quantify how radical and extremist this world view is coming from a former President who funded Iran"

With today's Democrats governing this nation, Israel must have the power of God protecting them. TD

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