Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nine Months Into Obama's Presidency, Hillary Clinton Still Citing ‘Inherited’ Problems

CNS News "From the time he entered the White House, President Obama frequently has spoken about having “inherited” an economic mess, and he has been criticized for it. But the expression arguably has been used even more often by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Nine months later, it is a theme she returns to regularly at home and abroad."

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Krauthammer Rips 'Repulsive Audacity' of White House for Fox News Attacks

Newsbusters "Look, it's one thing for the government, the administration to attack opponents, institutions, media," Krauthammer said. "It is another to go out to try and delegitimize them and destroy them."

Voting Present Is Not an Option

Victor Davis Hanson , NRO "...Given the above, and given that George Bush made a far more difficult choice that saved Iraq, it is hard to figure out why Obama can not make a simple decision to send troops requested by commanders on the ground."

MoveOn demands that Democrats stay off Fox News

Michelle Malkin "A reader just sent this fresh missive from the Fox News Deranged-foot soldiers at MoveOn:"... "The petition says: “Democrats should support President Obama’s effort to call out FOX. Please stay off FOX for as long as he does. Democrats often appear on FOX in hopes of reaching out to conservative viewers. But FOX cuts off their mic, distorts what they say, or runs biased headlines at the bottom of the screen.4 In the end, Democrats always lose on FOX."


Boortz "Let's do a little recap here: 1. Obama writes of his gravitation toward Communist student groups and Marxist professors in college. 2. Obama appoints an avowed Communist to be his green jobs czar. 3. Obama's communications director sings the praises of Mao 4. Now we have Obama's manufacturing Czar citing Mao and calling the free market "nonsense"."

"The Problem of Evil": interview with Michael Ledeen

NRO "...Is there still an Axis of Evil?" "MICHAEL LEDEEN: Yes, and it’s growing. It lost Iraq, but now counts Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Russia." LOPEZ: Are we an “Accomplice to Evil”?" "LEDEEN: That’s the whole point of my book. We have once again failed to see evil — Iran is the prime example — when it was right in front of us, and we have deliberately blinded ourselves to the war that the Islamic Republic has been waging against us for 30 years."

Terrorism? What Terrorism? About babbling academics.

Pajamas Media “...the academic advising or exhorting action will most likely appear a learned fool, babbling of he knows not what.” What academics don’t “babble” about is equally troubling. Scarcely a word can be found in their voluminous tracts concerning the bellicose initiatives of the expanding terror cartel involving Iran, Venezuela, Russia, and North Korea, with America in the cross hairs."

Attack on Fox News right out of the Alinsky playbook

SenseOf Events "The other media may expect to be flattered as "real" reporters and news organizations who are actually the ones being "fair and balanced." The more a White House reporters and editors toe the White House line, the greater access they will be granted, especially to power figures such as Rahm Emmanuel, David Axelrod and, ultimately, Barack Obama himself, whom we may expect to give a one-on-one interview with the biggest suckup reporter gaining Dunn's favor. Reporters who don't fall into place will discover they are being frozen out of access and will have to rely exclusively on press briefer Robert Gibbs, which is the kiss of death to a White House reporter." h/t to Instapundit.

Giving Credit to Obama When Credit Is Due

by Ryan Mauro, Pajamas Media "From these observations we can conclude that the most critical factor in appealing to the world’s audience is Western values. If the world sees the U.S. as contradicting these values, then our reputation will fall." If we had opposed Hitler's plans before 1939, would our reputation have been tarnished then? But how many people would not have been gassed and cremated? How many cities would not have been destroyed?

Radical Leftists Shut Down Geert Wilders’ Talk at Temple University (Video)

Gateway Pundit Student protesters stand outside as Dutch politician Geert Wilders speaks at Temple University, Tuesday, Oct.. 20, 2009, in Philadelphia. Wilders has outraged Muslims by comparing their holy book, the Quran, to Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ and for his calls to end Muslim immigration to the Netherlands. (AP/H. Rumph Jr)

National Sovereignty, Climate Mysticism and You

Roger Kimball Quoting Lord Monkton:"It is a privilege merely to stand on this soil of freedom while it is still freed. But in the next few weeks, unless you stop it, your president will sign your freedom, your democracy, and your prosperity away forever. . . . But it is here that perhaps at this eleventh hour of the fifty-ninth minute and fifty-ninth second you will rise up and you will stop your president from signing that dreadful treaty, that purposeless treaty, for there is no problem with the climate. . . ."