Saturday, December 26, 2009

Where Did These Guys Come From?

Victor Davis Hanson "Such a strange scenario we have found ourselves in — a clear majority of Americans is opposed to almost everything Obama has to offer; congressional representatives know they are acting against the will of the people, but know too that they are offered all sorts of borrowed money for their districts to compensate for their unpopular actions."

Another Carter or Kennedy?!

Muhammad Sabrine Al Ahram, Egypt "The gap between vows and capability of achievement is often wide. Regrettably, voters were the ones who made Obama a president, verifying his slogan “Yes We Can," but their hero proved that he "cannot."" h/t to Watching America

"Arab logic:Murder a man,get killed while capture,AVENGE!"

Shawarma Mayor "New wave of terror is upon Israel, it always starts by deliberate acts of terror, getting hit back by Israelis - then starting a war in revenge."

Al Qaeda Sends a Christmas Message

Alan Caruba "Eight years ago this past week, Richard Reed, aka Abdul Raheem and Tariq Raja, tried to blow up a flight from Paris to Miami. There is an important message to be understood from these two incidents and it is the contempt for both Christianity and Judaism that Islam has always displayed. It’s worth remembering that Israel was attacked in 1973 on Yom Kippur, one of its holiest days."

Dems' 2010 Strategy: GOP Will "Repeal" Obamacare

Weekly Standard "Conservatives have been saying that if Obamacare passes Republicans should run on the platform of repealing this monstrosity. The Democrats really think it's a smart attack plan to send the same message? Does this count as an in-kind contribution to Republican candidates?" This assumes Republicans win both houses and the presidency with an electorate that may long for the days of gridlock.

Luck, not screening, saved Flight 253

Mladen Andrijasevic in AT "The passengers of Northwest/Delta Airlines Flight 253 are lucky they are still alive. They should be the last passengers in the U.S. exposed to this kind of risk because of political correctness. The incident would have never happened on a plane flying out of Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport, because the Israelis do it right. They try to find out what is on the passenger's mind, not what is in his bag or shoe. "

Behar Politicizes Rush Limbaugh Wedding to Make Gay Marriage Plea


"It’s probably no surprise, but conservative talker Rush Limbaugh isn’t going to get a break from the liberal cheap shot artists on cable television in the wake of the news he will be getting married to Kathryn Rogers on July 4, 2010."

Passengers help foil attack on Detroit-bound plane

myway "It sounded like a firecracker in a pillowcase," said Peter Smith, a passenger from the Netherlands. "First there was a pop, and then (there) was smoke." Smith said one passenger, sitting opposite the man, climbed over passengers, went across the aisle and tried to restrain the man. The heroic passenger appeared to have been burned."

America and Russia: Rivals United by a Common Enemy?

Georgy Gounev , AT "Regardless of the presence of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, American-Russian relations could offer a dramatic U-turn to a stunned world. Why? The answer to this question is both logical and simple: The spread of radical Islam throughout the Muslim world and the quickly advancing Islamization of Europe could bring to life this unlikely and, according to many experts, even impossible scenario." We all know how well that alliance against Hitler worked out.

Court Martial of the Navy SEALS

Dan Miller, AT "The military justifiably prides itself on its system of justice, and it is a damn good one, superior in my view to what (little) I have seen of criminal justice in civilian jurisdictions. I hope not to be disappointed and don't think I shall be. "