Monday, May 3, 2010

A Noble, Bad Idea

Victor Davis Hanson "But three grave concerns nevertheless arise. First, the president putting forth this comprehensive agenda is not an old hawk like Reagan or the Bushes, but rather one who has apologized, bowed, and backpedaled abroad in courting enemies like Syria and Iran while snubbing old friends such as Britain and Israel. Context matters. Fairly or not, the world will see these latest pronouncements as more in line with the abstract idealism of a Nobel Peace Prize laureate than with the leader of the world’s sole superpower, on whom billions in the real world rely to keep the peace through deterrence."...


Warning Signs  "It says a lot about the White House press corps that a tabloid, the National Enquirer, broke the story about former Sen. John Edward’s infidelity and lies. It is now pursuing a story involving an alleged infidelity by the President during the 2008 campaign. Time, fortunately, is not on the Comedian-in-Chief’s side."   Alan Caruba

Where Is the Secretary of 19 Million Cracks?

Jennifer Rubin "Where is our secretary of state? Why do we allow brutalizers of women to assume spots on the UN Commission on the Status of Women? Well, Hillary is now in the service of an administration which seeks to ingratiate itself with regimes whose laws and “values” include the notion that “to deprive little girls of conjugation with men old enough to be their grandfathers is to treat them ‘unfairly.’” For those who imagined Hillary — who never tires of counting the votes she achieved on the way to losing the Democratic presidential nomination — was a great defender of women and children, it must come as a great shock that they rank so low on her list of priorities."

Leftist Hate Merchant Bill Maher Is Owned By George Will (Video)

Gateway Pundit "Wandering on to a Sunday talk show can be dangerous for a far left hate merchant. Bill Maher needs to keep his anti-American leftist drivel on the HBO entertainment channel."

American Exceptionalism: Learning It Firsthand

National Review  "President Obama has downplayed American exceptionalism, comparing it to the national pride felt by the citizens of any country. I wish he had heard Kim’s story. There is something special about this place: This country is a beacon of freedom, of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And we have to work to keep it that way. We can start by preserving and protecting freedom, forever treasuring the inspiration that our nation is and needs to be — and never forgetting the dad from Hanoi who knew our work ethic better than some of us do today. Especially some of those who are working to change the nature of our country."   Kathryn Jean Lopez is editor-at-large of National Review Online. She can be reached at

The Two Vietnam Wars

American Thinker  Remembered and loudly acclaimed, instead, is the infamous anniversary date more than two years later of the tragic end of "Vietnam Two" -- which: 
(a) began in January 1975,
(b) involved no U.S. combat forces at all, and
(c) came to a tragic end on April 30, 1975.
That was when South Vietnam's capital city of Saigon fell to rampaging Soviet-supplied North Vietnamese armies -- and when televised pictures of helicopters rescuing American diplomatic personnel, Marine guards, and friendly South Vietnamese from the U.S. Embassy roof were first burned into our memories. The deceitful tactic: Loudly and relentlessly propagandize a first-ever "Defeat of America" when, in fact, all American combat units had departed the scene more than two years earlier.

What If Arizona Were Quebec?

American Thinker "No sane country has ever elected elites who have systematically undermined their own culture and erased their national borders. Even the French-Canadians know how to stand up for themselves. Who will stand up for the United States and demand, without apology, that the border be sealed and the illegals deported? The Republicans won't do it, the Tea Party is impotent and rudderless, and the Democrats are actively aiding and abetting those who seek to undermine us. If we are unwilling to police our own borders, we are doomed. I'm not certain what it will take to preserve the United States, but we had better come up with something effective -- and soon."

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Republican Party is showing some starch

Dick Morris "The Republican Party is showing some starch by standing up to Harry Reid on the financial regulation bill. We can only hope they keep it up."...."The financial regulation bill is a disaster in three major respects:"...

Times Square car bomb: Alert street vendor summoned police over smoking SUV

Jihad Watch  "A veteran rises to the occasion all over again. On the other hand, as for Comedy Central, it is clear their act of cowardice did not protect anybody from those who are determined to attack. Will they respond with more censorship, or decide now is the time for the gloves to come off? "

Obama overstretch

Thomas Lifson  "Will President Obama's attempt to bring "fundamental change" to America backfire and ultimately push America to the right? Although far from certain, the possibility grows, as the tea parties symbolize a growing public awareness that government is expanding rapidly, at the expense of individual liberty, the private sector, and our standard of living."

Police checking surveillance cameras after car bomb fizzle in Times Square

Rick Moran in AT:  "The New York Times is reporting that police believe the bomb was a fizzle:
Inside, they discovered three canisters of propane like those used for barbecue grills, two five-gallon cans of gasoline, consumer-grade fireworks - the apparent source of the "pops" - and two clocks with batteries, the mayor said. He said the device "looked amateurish." Mr. Browne said: "It appeared it was in the process of detonating, but it malfunctioned."