Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Memo Complicates Challenge To AZ Law

Sweetness and Light "In the legal battle over Arizona’s new immigration law, an ironic subtext has emerged: whether a Bush-era legal opinion complicates a potential Obama administration lawsuit against Arizona. "

"The document, written in 2002 by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, concluded that state police officers have "inherent power" to arrest undocumented immigrants for violating federal law. It was issued by Jay S. Bybee, who also helped write controversial memos from the same era that sanctioned harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects."
Emphasis added to point out the guilt-by-association demagoguery technique. How subtle.

Constituents Using a Forum to Register Displeasure With Representative: Spooky!* 700 Angry Protesters on a Bankster's Front Lawn: "About damn time"

Reason  "I thought about that Congressman this past Sunday as I watched more than 700 protesters from National People's Action gather on the front lawn at the home of Gregory Baer, deputy counsel for the Bank Regulatory and Public Policy Group at Bank of America. [...]"
Now lets discuss those violent TEA-partiers...
DC Bank Protest: So, SEIU Now Owns the Cops Too? "Last week, 500 union thugs descended on a private home and terrorized a teenage boy. They violated someone’s most personal space, their home. And they attacked their most precious gift, their child. The police in two jurisdictions knew about this. They did nothing."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Some Arizona Latinos Embrace Immigration Law

NPR Wait! What? NPR?  "Though Latinos in Arizona and nationwide have mobilized in protest against the state's new immigration law, not all Hispanic Americans are opposed to it. In Arizona, many Latino voters see it as a much-needed crackdown." H/t to Weasel Zippers

Terror by Lawsuit

Bill Burck and Dana Perino    "Will Congress ease the way for terrorists to sue U.S. officials?"...."...the prosecutors themselves, and even high-level officials in Washington, could personally face lawsuits from Shahzad if a bill sponsored by Sen. Arlen Specter in the Senate or a similar one by Rep. Jerrold Nadler in the House becomes law. Congressman Nadler’s bill will be considered by the House Judiciary Committee as early as next week and could hit the floor not long thereafter."

Don’t Let the Lights Go Out: Defend Against EMP (No, this isn't about tinfoil hats!)

Heritage; The Foundry " EMP can occur when a nuclear weapon is detonated high in the atmosphere above the Earth. The resulting explosion interacts with the Earth’s magnetic fields, sending a pulse, or current, throughout all electrical systems. Nearly everything we depend on from day to day would be affected. Imagine a world without computers, ATMS, cell phones, water systems, the internet, ambulances and even cars. The U.S. would essentially be knocked back to the 19th century. "

Slouching Towards Irrelevance

Heritage "One might hope that the Obama administration would look at the path Europe has gone down ...and decide to change course. But President Barack Obama’s speech at West Point on Sunday quashed any such hopes. Speaking to graduating Cadets, President Obama laid out the increasingly identifiable pillars of the Obama Doctrine: greater reliance on international institutions; substituting soft power for hard power; and a more subdued and less self-reliant America – a scheme designed more to manage American decline than to ensure its people remain safe, free and prosperous."

Obamacare’s Cooked Books and the ‘Doc Fix’

NRO "The number of employers looking to dump their workers into subsidized insurance is almost certainly going to be much higher than either CBO or the chief actuary now projects. And the price inflation from the added demand of the newly entitled isn’t factored into any of the official cost projections.
"We’ve seen this movie before. When the government creates a new entitlement, politicians lowball the costs to get the law passed, and then blame someone else when program costs soar. Witness Massachusetts. Most Americans are sensible enough to know already that’s what can be expected next with Obamacare."
63% Favor Repeal of National Health Care Plan  ; from Rasmussen.

The War Over America’s Past

Pat Buchanan "If we forget what we did, we won’t know who we are. I’m warning of an eradication of the American memory that could result, ultimately, in an erosion of the American spirit.”
"Teaching American history to America’s children is done so that they will come to know and love their country. And while all nations have sins of scarlet, none has a greater, more glorious past than ours.
"And if teaching that is what the Texas Board of Education is all about, ensuring that the children of Texas know both sides of every great American quarrel and come away loving their country all the more, then God bless ‘em."

Obama's Nominee to Run Medicare: 'The Decision is Not Whether or Not We Will Ration Care--The Decision is Whether We Will Ration Care With Our Eyes Open'

CNS News “Limited resources require decisions about who will have access to care and the extent of their coverage,” Berwick wrote in the Jan. 27, 1999 edition of Nursing Standard.
“The complexity and cost of healthcare delivery systems may set up a tension between what is good for the society as a whole and what is best for an individual patient,” Berwick wrote in an article entitled, “A Shared Statement of Ethical Principle.” Emphasis mine. When conservatives predicted this, Democrats called it "the same old argument", which, if you think about it, is no denial.

A Response to Elvis Costello

Commentary "As I noted last week, Elvis Costello, with great fanfare and sanctimony, decided to boycott Israel. A response was penned by Assaf Wolf, for whom I think some sort of award should be named that celebrates those who debunk and undo Israel-bashers.".... "Wolf wrote a “Dear Costello” letter that must be read in full. Here’s a sample:"... Jennifer Rubin. 
 All liberal celebrities are sanctimonious, are they not?

Obama backs 'don't ask, don't tell' compromise that could pave way for repeal

WaPo "The compromise was finalized in meetings Monday at the White House and on Capitol Hill. Lawmakers will now, within days, vote on amendments that would repeal the Clinton-era policy, with a provision ensuring that any change would not take effect until after the Pentagon completes a study about its impact on troops. That study is due to Congress by Dec. 1."  Monty Python's take on this.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Miley Cyrus Effect: Young Girls Acting Like (Trashy) Adults

Culture and Media Institute  "With role models like the former Hannah Montana, we shouldn't be surprised when girls behave more provocatively." Sarah Knoploh