Saturday, May 29, 2010

Swarm Power, all our energy problems are solved! Er, wait...

Chicago Boyz "Translation: Alternative energy is too unreliable to actually provide baseline power, so we’re going to need millions of fossil-fuel backup generators scattered everywhere to take up the slack. We’re going to use millions of relatively inefficient petroleum-burning generators so that we don’t have to build nuclear plants."

Hostile and provocative name has been chosen for Ground Zero mosque.

Atlas Shrugs "It is well known that the first Cordoba Mosque was built by Muslims in a city in Spain, after they occupied this Christian country, killing its men and capturing its women to bring them to Arab countries as slaves and servants to serve their sexual pleasure. The Arabs and Muslims have never ceased to take pride and bask in the glory of this imperialist history, which they consider to be a symbol of their strength and power, and they are unashamed of the fact that the annals [of their history] are full of shameful crimes."  Iraqi-American columnist Khudhayr Taher published an article in the Arab online liberal daily on May 18, 2010 in which he warns against the desire to turn the U.S. into a Muslim country.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

World Magazine Trust me; this in no way depicts the National Guard's planned role in border duty.

Why Obama's image doesn't match his record

Al Neuharth, USA TODAY "An example of Gibbs' media shortcoming occurred Sunday on Face the Nationwith Bob Schieffer on CBS. In answer to a question from Schieffer about the Gulf Coast oil mess he said, "The government is doing everything humanly and technologically possible to plug the hole 5,000 feet above — ar — 5,000 feet below — the floor —below the ocean." Gibbs appeared amused rather than embarrassed by his answer. Every president needs a press secretary who is adept not only at answering questions but also at anticipating them. Obama suffers because Gibbs is better at dealing with politicians than he is with the press."

Obama’s Dividend Tax Proposal Means More Debt, More Instability

Heritage Insider "The President has proposed raising the tax on dividend income from 15 to 20 percent while his allies in Congress have created a procedural path whereby the income tax rate on dividends could again reach 39.6 percent. At the same time, it has been suggested by some that the deduction for business interest expense is a subsidy, implying that it should be curtailed or eliminated. Raising the tax on dividends and curtailing the deduction for business interest expense are related in that they would both profoundly influence the capital structures of business. They are also both wrongheaded and harmful."

White House Must Stop Playing Politics with Immigration and Arizona Law

Heritage Foundation "The Administration has used the public controversy over the Arizona law to push for its own political agenda—granting amnesty to millions unlawfully in the United States. This approach to solving the problem has been tried before and found completely wanting. In 1986, for example, the U.S. granted amnesty and the unlawful population exploded, as did associated costs."...."There is a better approach to border and immigration reform that will keep the nation free, safe, prosperous, and sovereign. Incremental in its implementation, this approach includes:"...

There's Obama's Story, And There's History

JustOneMinute "John at Powerline debunks Obama's claim that the BP oil spill was a top priority from day one:"...

Did Congress really vote to repeal DADT?

Hot Air "Barack Obama had dodged the question of DADT for the most part, offering public support but claiming that he wanted Congress to act instead of ordering the change himself. Now Congress has handed the issue back to Obama — or possibly even another President farther down the line — by forcing him to pull the trigger instead of Congress."

Obama, the ‘Juvenile in Chief"

Human Events  "But there was also a fresh criticism from the press once thought to be eating out of Obama’s hand: namely, that the President is increasingly sounding juvenile, whining about others and playing the “blame game” that his subordinates insist the administration is not playing." John Gizzi

Issa: White House memo doesn't hold up, Clinton and Sestak need to answer questions

Washington Post "I’m very concerned that in the rush to put together this report, the White House has done everything but explain its own actions and has instead worked to craft a story behind closed doors and coordinate with those involved." Usually the most damaging announcements are released on Fridays before a long weekend.

Something Stinks At the White House

Fox News via Lucianne;  "The president knew full well that the strategy was to release the shocking revelation that former President Clinton spoke with Congressman Sestak on the Friday of the long Memorial Day weekend and at a time he knew that the media would be focused almost exclusively on his trip to the Gulf for the BP oil spill disaster. The president himself is now participating in a cover up. It has long been the practice of presidential administrations to release damaging news on a weekend or better yet a holiday weekend when the public's attention is elsewhere, hoping that the bad news would pass without major exposure." Speaking of which: The Sestak Smell Test  "Jobs open up, in the language of the White House memo, "alternative paths to service" (read: power) that could give a man second thoughts about a Senate run. Could this just be sloppy language from Sestak? Maybe, maybe not."

Whose Blowout Is It, Anyway?

Charles Krauthammer "Obama didn't help much with his finger-pointing Rose Garden speech in which he denounced finger-pointing, then proceeded to blame everyone but himself. Even the grace note of admitting some federal responsibility turned sour when he reflexively added that these problems have been going on for a decade or more -- translation: Bush did it -- while, in contrast, his own interior secretary had worked diligently to solve the problem from the day he took office. Really?"