Monday, June 14, 2010

Elton John, Egypt, and Rush Limbaugh Reveal Liberal Hypocrisy

Deroy Murdock, NRO  "The moral of this story: Liberals will tread more lightly on a homophobic, concert-canceling Islamic fundamentalist than a conservative broadcaster who recognizes and rewards talent when he hears it, even when that Academy Award–winning musician happens to be gay."

Parts of AZ not under US control (UPDATED)

Rick Moran "Did you know that there are parts of Arizona where the federal government has actually put up signs warning Americans that they are in a known drug corridor?
"Did you know that despite calls for help from the county sheriff, the feds have ignored the situation?
"Did you know that the writ of US law and thus our sovereignty does not run in these corridors?
"Even a banana republic has better control of its borders."

BUYcott Arizona

Boycott the Boycotters Here they are listed:

The Loneliness of the American Soccer Fan

Slate "The world's most popular sport is on the rise in the United States—and my neighbors still couldn't care less about the World Cup."

"Our forefathers didn’t make these sacrifices for socialism"

Letter to the Editor "...He also asks if anyone can ever define socialism. I must admit my “un-intellectual mind” had to look it up.
Socialism: Any one of various systems in which the means of producing goods are owned by the community or the government rather than by private individuals with all people sharing in the work and the goods produced.
"Webster Dictionary. I looked up communism, and its definition is almost word for word the same."
 H/t to Neal Boortz

The day freedom died: Cap-And-Traitors "The Senate just claimed the title of the world's most delusional body by refusing to strip unelected EPA bureaucrats of the power to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant. This was the day freedom died.
"One wonders why we have a Congress at all. The 53 profiles in cowardice that could not get a cap-and-tax bill through the U.S. Senate voted Thursday to let the Environmental Protection Agency keep the unprecedented power Congress did not expressly give it. It is power that the EPA arrogated to itself through regulation to control every aspect of the American economy and our very lives."

A BP boycott?

Neal Boortz  "I'm sorry .. but considering the shape this country is in right now, I've just about had it up to here with idiots, fools and imbeciles like Jesse Jackson and the morons who think that picketing a BP gas station is going to do anything to solve this crisis. It is idiots like these and their inane, childish thought processes that have been, still are, and will continue to drive this great country to destruction."

The First Rule of Strategy

Townhall "A year on, although the regime's opponents seethe under the surface, with no leader and no help from the free world, it will take a miracle for them to mount major protests on the one-year anniversary of the stolen elections. It is unimaginable that they will be able to topple the regime before it gets its hands on nuclear weapons."

Who Knows Anything Anyway?

Mike Adams "I’m not sure how many of these hip Emergent Church leaders have read Matthew 14:31 where Jesus asks Peter “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” My guess is that most of these guys like to doubt because being unsure of all things at all times guarantees they will never have to stand up for anything or risk offending anyone."   Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Government by the Faculty Lounge

Victor Davis Hanson "The perverse was always preferred to the logical: so a Mao was better than a Churchill, Lincoln was faulted for not possessing 1999-era academic sensitivity, and FDR not WWII saved the economy from further depression. Versailles explains Hitler rather than his own insane hatreds. The Soviet and Chinese nightmares were problematic and based on misunderstandings of Marx rather than natural conclusions from him. The real fear after 9/11 is backlash, not more terrorism. The non-Christian nihilist Timothy McVeigh or the Columbine Satanists are proof of widespread Christian terrorism; the last 50 aborted Islamic terrorist plots are aberrations."

What Did You Say About Muhammad?

Raymond Ibrahim "The answer is simple: the South Park incident is less a reflection of Muslim anger and more of Western appeasement. By constantly buckling in to the slightest Muslim displeasure — whether by altering films [14], removing museum art [15], or canceling book launches [16] — the West has perpetuated a vicious cycle wherein Muslim sensitivities are ever heightened and outraged at the slightest slight, and Western freedoms of expression are correspondingly diminished and trampled upon. What’s worse, such self-imposed censorship falls right into the hands of homegrown Islamists actively working [17]to subvert Western civilization from within."

Where Are the Shallow Hollywood Folks When our Country Needs Them?

Rick Moran "Our Country has never been short on the number of shallow Hollywood folks expressing their "expert" opinions regarding the environment and politics. Sadly, their collective expertise, environmental concerns and concerns for their fellow man are limited by their political agendas.".... "Their collective silence is deliberate in that to do or say something that would help the Gulf Coast and its residents would make their president look worse than he already does."

Florida Governor Vetoes Pro-Life Bill

CitizenLink "This week, Crist's website was purged of all mentions of his stand on life issues. The Republican is running for the U.S. Senate as an independent. "He has now gone full circle from being 'pro-choice' in his original U.S. Senate bid," said Stemberger, "to being 'pro-life' in his bid for governor and now he has clearly defined himself as pro-abortion once again." " 
Reminds me of the windmill in our back yard.