Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Offshore Oil Drilling Ban Enriches Our Enemies

Big Peace "Even with somewhat depressed oil prices, since last year’s 4th of July, OPEC, the oil cartel dominated by countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Venezuela which altogether sits on 78% of world oil reserves, took in more than half a trillion dollars for its oil exports, while the economies of net oil consuming countries like the US bled. Money that could have stayed in the US creating jobs and investment opportunities instead filled the coffers of some of our worst enemies.
"Our response to the BP spill could worsen our vulnerability."

J. Christian Adams: DOJ Opponents of Race-Neutral Law Should Explain Themselves

Pajamas Media  "Today, I testified to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights about the Department of Justice's hostility to race-neutral law enforcement. I hope these hearings spur those responsible to explain their actions to Americans."

Unequal Law Enforcement Reigns at Obama’s DOJ   "The dismissal of the voter intimidation lawsuit against armed New Black Panthers in Philadelphia is the most prominent example of this hostility toward race-neutral enforcement of civil rights laws. But that dismissal is far from the only manifestation of the beliefs infesting the Department. Many other cases and decisions — some of which I will detail below — are in question and deserve scrutiny."
J. Christian Adams is an election lawyer who served in the Voting Rights Section at the U.S. Department of Justice. His website is www.electionlawcenter.com.

Obama tasks NASA with building Muslim self-esteem (Updated)

Powerline "...Charles Bolden, head of NASA, tells Al Jazeera that the "foremost" task President Obama has given him is "to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with predominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering." Thus, NASA's primary mission is no longer to enhance American science and engineering or to explore space, but to boost the self-esteem of "predominantly Muslim nations."  Via Weasel Zippers

Charles Bolden, call your office  "In Iran the mullahs are getting ready to celebrate the Modesty and Veil Festival coming up later this month in a big way. In anticipation of the Modesty and Veil Festival, the mullahs have launched a campaign that ABC irreverently dubs "a holy war on haircuts." "

The Distance NASA Travelled Over 48 Years "Think quick: What tasks would the president of the United States charge the head of NASA with performing: Going to Mars? Returning to the moon? Finding a replacement for the Space Shuttle? Enhancing U.S. technology?
"Not President Obama. Charles Bolden, who heads up NASA, gave an interview with Al Jazeera and explained how President Obama had described his job:"...

Krauthammer Bashes Obama’s Infantile NASA Muslim Outreach Program “This is a new of fatuousness. NASA was established to get America into space and to keep us there. This idea of ‘feel good about your past’ scientific achievements is the worst kind of group therapy, psycho-babble, imperial condescension and adolescent diplomacy. If I didn’t know that Obama had told him this, I’d demand the firing of Charles Bolden.”

Wonder Woman the Non-American: How Soon Will She Be Wearing A Burqa?

  by Phyllis Chesler   "Well, I like the new Wonder Woman’s long pants—out with the ice-skater’s skirt, in with the long, black action-leggings! But, post-9/11, I do not like her non-American, and therefore her anti-American costume.
"There was a time when Americans were at their most American by absorbing immigrants from every country and culture in the world; when Americans gloried in traveling everywhere (I certainly did). This presupposed a strong American currency and a world which either feared or loved America; sometimes, both sentiments applied.
"Now, the world—well tutored by propagandists both here and abroad—despises America. And, many Americans are ashamed of their own country."

The Worst Mistake

Jennifer Rubin "In a Washington Post op-ed, Mitt Romney contends that the new START agreement “could be his worst foreign policy mistake yet.” He makes a powerful case against the treaty, pointing out that its most grievous flaw is that ”America must effectively get Russia’s permission for any missile-defense expansion.”"   Romney's article here.

4th of July in Afghanistan

Blackfive "In case you wondered what the 4th was like in the Stan, Brian from the 1st of the 503rd sends some pics." Uncle Jimbo.

He can't resist: Obama bashes Founders on the 4th of July

Jeannie DeAngelis "It appears the President of the United States can't contain his disdain for America's historical roots. On Independence Day, instead of stressing the awesome concepts of the Declaration of Independence, Obama managed to turn a BBQ into an opportunity to disparage our founders, foster class warfare and further division

White House vs. Boy Scouts by Chuck Norris

We nearly posted a three-part article by Chuck Norris stating President Obama refused to sign Eagle Scout certificates. Our research turned up the following from the Snopes site:

Here are the links to the original series by Chuck Norris in case more is said on the subject:
White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 1
White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 2
White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 3

Justice Dept. expected to sue Ariz. on immigration, citing 'preemption' grounds

Washington Post "The lawsuit, which three sources said could be filed as early as Tuesday, will invoke for its main argument the legal doctrine of "preemption," which is based on the Constitution's supremacy clause and says that federal law trumps state statutes. Justice Department officials believe that enforcing immigration laws is a federal responsibility, the sources said. "

This doctor fights Obamacare one patient at a time (Updated)

Washington Examiner  The Atlanta urologist is an outspoken critic of Obamacare, warning her patients about its disastrous consequences and alerting fellow doctors to the ramifications for her profession.
"Lately, however, she’s spent more time worried about the survival of her own practice. With the new health care law about to add more patients to government-run insurance programs, Boone wondered how she would survive with dwindling Medicare reimbursements to cover her older patients."

Senate bill to repeal health reform lacks backing from Republican leaders  "Although they’ve called repeatedly for repeal of the Democrats’ new health reform law, some senior Senate Republicans have not endorsed a bill that would actually do it."

Monday, July 5, 2010

Origin of the Declaration

Kerby Anderson, Point of View. "This foundation helps explain the tempered nature of the American Revolution. The Declaration of Independence was a bold document, but not a radical one. The colonists did not break with England for "light and transient causes." They were mindful that Romans 13 says they should be "in subjection to the governing authorities" which "are established by God." Yet when they suffered from a "long train of abuses and usurpations," they argued that "it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government." "

Terror — and Candor

Charles Krauthammer   "With Shahzad, we find the equivalent ridiculous — and exculpating — speculation that perhaps he was driven over the edge by the foreclosure of his home. Good grief. Of course his home went into foreclosure — so would yours if you voluntarily quit your job and stopped house payments to go to Pakistan for jihadist training. As the Washington Post’s Charles Lane pointed out, foreclosure was a result of Shahzad’s radicalism, not the cause."