Sunday, October 10, 2010

Obama has the book thrown at him

UK Daily Mail  "This is the astonishing moment a book was apparently hurled at the head of U.S. President Barack Obama during a campaign rally in Philadelphia."....

"The rally was clearly an eventful one - other images showed a naked man being led away in handcuffs by police. "

“Do these people have no shame?”

Gateway Pundit "“Have these people no shame? Does the president of the United States have such little regard for the office that he holds that he goes out there and makes these kind of baseless charges against his political enemies?” Rove said. “This is just beyond the pale. How dare the president do this.”

Obama last week rebuked Republican-supporting groups for running ads funded undisclosed donors.  Like George Soros? Oops, no, he's a Democrat supporter.

President Obama this afternoon joined the gang of Democrats and liberal groups alleging that the US Chamber of Commerce is using foreign funds to influence American elections. 
October 07

Busted. Dem Candidate Reportedly Behind Tea Party Robocall

Gateway Pundit " Democratic congressional candidate Steve Pougnet unleashed an automated phone call to voters Friday that attempts to split the conservative vote by touting a third-party candidate."

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Krauthammer Smacks Down Inside Washington Panel Over GOP Campaign Contributions

Newsbusters  "As Krauthammer also pointed out, the press never seems to have any problem with contributions made by America's labor unions which almost exclusively go to Democrats."
"As such, Krauthammer properly identified what all this media hyperventilation is concerning this year's campaign finance issue: whining squared."

Top Scientist Resigns from Post – Admits Global Warming Is a Scam (Updated; letter of resignation included)

Gateway Pundit  "It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare." Emphasis in the original.
The full letter of resignation:

Bush vs. Obama: Who Was The Better President?

Gateway Pundit  "CNN recently published a poll that posed the question:  Bush versus Obama:  Who was the better president?"....
"By 47 to 45 percent, Americans say Obama is a better president than George W. Bush. But that two point margin is down from a 23 point advantage one year ago."....
"Perhaps we are polling the wrong question.  A better question might be:  Bush versus Obama:  Who is the better person?"....
"Many Americans seem to be reevaluating their opinion of President Bush.  I’m glad.  He is a fine man.  He was a good President.  I felt safe while he was in office.  I never doubted his sincerity.  I might not have agreed with him in every instance but I never questioned his love for America.  And I believe history will affirm that he was right a lot more than wrong."

CBS Buries Jerry Brown Campaign’s ‘Whore’ Slur Against Meg Whitman

Newsbusters  "After ignoring on Friday morning the story of California Republican gubernatorial nominee Meg Whitman being called a "whore" by an aide for her opponent, Democrat Jerry Brown, CBS started to catch up on the story – but also buried it somewhat – on the same day’s CBS Evening News and again on Saturday morning’s The Early Show."

More on Che Guevara and American leftists

 Che Guevara Flags in Obama's Houston Office  Barack Obama won’t wear an American flag on his lapel, but on the wall of his Houston campaign office: a Cuban flag with a picture of Communist mass murderer Che Guevara.

Che flag sends 'disturbing' message about Obama (2008) And while the Obama campaign has issued a statement placing a modest distance between the campaign and its "volunteers," the issue of such an image on display in an office operating on behalf of a man hoping to be commander in chief of the world's last remaining superpower is raising alarms.

Obama Casts Republicans as Slurpee Sippers

CBS News  "To hear President Obama tell it, Slurpees are the beverage of choice of obstructionist Republicans.
"In each of 20 political speeches over the last two months, Mr. Obama has included a riff in which he portrays GOP leaders as sipping Slurpees while hard-working Democrats struggle to pull the economy out of a ditch."

Obama's new national security advisor called a 'disaster' by Gates

American Thinker  "Thomas Lifson adds: Donilon was a lobbyist for Fannie Mae, and fought off regulatory reforms. If he does for national security what he acomplished for the economy, we are doomed."

Chip Bok, World

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Colbert Democrats

Charles Krauthammer
Charles Krauthammer "It’s not just income taxes. It’s capital gains and dividends too. And the estate tax, which will careen insanely from 0 to 55 percent when the ball drops on Times Square on New Year’s Eve.
"Nor is this harmless incompetence. To do this at a time when $2 trillion of capital is sitting on the sidelines because of rising uncertainty — and there is no greater uncertainty than next year’s tax rates — is staggeringly irresponsible."