Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 a Banner Year for MSM’s Ministries of Mistruth

Pajamas Media  "In George Orwell’s 1984, set in a pre-computer era, Winston Smith, working in the misnamed Ministry of Truth, alters documents that contradict or conflict with his totalitarian government’s take on history, wiping out inconvenient truths or revising them to fit the current template.
"In 2010, the establishment press ramped up its propaganda role, acting as a collective of preemptive Winston Smiths."

Government by regulation. Shhh.

Charles Krauthammer  "Obama knows he has only so many years to change the country. In his first two, he achieved much: the first stimulus, Obamacare and financial regulation. For the next two, however, the Republican House will prevent any repetition of that. Obama's agenda will therefore have to be advanced by the more subterranean means of rule-by-regulation.
"But this must simultaneously be mixed with ostentatious displays of legislative bipartisanship..."
Lisa Benson;

2010: The Entertainment Industry’s PC Year in Review

Big Hollywood  "For the entertainment industry’s practitioners of political correctness, 2010 was another banner year. Even as conservatives have made deserved headway in La La Land and other areas of the industry, there still aren’t enough conservatives to bring much needed patriotism, logic, and common sense to the scene. Sadly, the industry is still filled with those slavishly dedicated to anti-American tropes, left-wing blather, and self-hatred. From comic books, to music, to radio, TV and movies, PCism still runs rampant."
"Without further ado, here are (in no particular order) just a few examples of PCism from 2010 in music, TV, movies, and publishing."
Captain America proclaimed the Tea Party an enemy to America.

Speaking of which...The American Government Enables Worldwide Sharia by Censoring Critics of Radical Islam "...four “Swedes” and a “Dane” were arrested yesterday for planning a massive attack on the Jyllands-Posten building in Copenhagen as revenge for the Mohammed cartoons. They intended to make their operation a reprise of Mumbai, with as many innocent casualties as possible."

This must be "Sven", but I can't read Swedish

Poll: 2010 Obamateurism of the Year Final

Hot Air  "It comes down to these.  Thanks to extensive rounds of voting, we have our Final Four of Obamateurisms this year, and they’re all doozies.  Will it be Barack Obama’s famous finger-wag at the Supreme Court during the State of the Union speech on national television, in which Obama managed to prove he didn’t understand the case nor the ruling?  Making himself into the arbiter of income caps?  Misquoting something as basic as the Declaration of Independence — multiple times?  Or bailing out on his own press conference, leaving Bill Clinton to handle it, in order to attend a Christmas party?"

I know it’s MSNBC and everything, but...

Big Government  "...but I still had difficulty believing I actually witnessed this clip on Breitbart TV of a silly little man saying the Constitution is irrelevant and confusing because it’s, like, more than 100 years old."

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Obama on Vacation

Pat Oliphant, WaPo

Alan Caruba: Some of My Favorite Billboards

Warning Signs  "The following billboards began to pop up shortly after it became obvious to most people that Obama was some kind of terrible mistake that a majority of the voters made in 2008. This being America, they began to express themselves in many ways from town hall meetings to mass marches on Washington, D.C., to some wonderful billboards."
Warning Signs

Gitmo Is Not a Recruiting Tool for Terrorists

Karl Rove  "...President Barack Obama claimed that the Guantanamo Bay detention facility was "probably the No. 1 recruitment tool" for al Qaeda and its affiliates. ....
"But the president is wrong to assign such importance to Gitmo and, by implication, to suggest it would be a major setback to al Qaeda were he to close it, as he promised but failed to do by the end of his first year in office. Shuttering the facility would not take the wind out of terrorism, in part because it is not, and never has been, its "No. 1 recruitment tool.""
" al Qaeda leaders mentioned Crusaders ... 322 times, Palestine 200 times, Gaza 131 times, Jews 129 times, Israel 98 times and Zionists 94 times. Al Qaeda leaders also talked more about Afghanistan (333 mentions), Pakistan (331), Iraq (157), Somalia (67), Yemen (18) and even Chechnya (15) than they did about Guantanamo."

Club Gitmo
Rush Limbaugh

Global, er, Climate Change, er...Climate Disruption

Mike Ramirez, IBD

The WikiLeaks War on America

Commentary Magazine  "It is telling that, for all the talk of Assange’s courage in taking on the American goliath, the truth is that his assault on the U.S. government has not put him at great risk. ....The truth is that both the Bush and Obama administrations have proved remarkably feckless and feeble in their response to the War Logs and, worse, in the latter’s failure to prevent the publication of the State Department cables it knew was coming."
"It would be interesting to see if Assange ever dares to take on the Russian FSB, the Chinese government, or even the French security services—all of which would have far fewer scruples about lethally punishing him than the American state he believes is so dangerous."

1. ineffective; incompetent; futile: feckless attempts to repair the plumbing.
2. having no sense of responsibility; indifferent; lazy.

California’s Central Valley: Zimbabwe West?

USA Today
Hot Air "Until recently, California’s Central Valley was one of the nation’s most productive agricultural regions. Not only did it feed itself, the state of California, and the entire country, it also produced exports to other nations. That kind of enterprise employed a lot of people in Central California, from farm hands to wholesalers, and created a high standard of living.
"That continued right up to the moment that the federal government got more concerned over the Delta smelt, a small, inedible fish, than feeding people."

 Fresno, Zimbabwe  "It's high time the greens who did this to the richest farmland in the country be held accountable. Far from bringing greenery, their disruptive agendas have left central California a wasteland."Emphasis added.

(Updated) So much for bipartisanship -- a slew of recess appointments

Rep. Peter King: Obama Recess Justice Dept. Appointment 'Shocking' 
“This may be one of the worst appointments by President Obama during his presidency,” King added, referring to Cole as a “left-wing ideologue who places terrorists in the same categories as drug peddlers."
"What he's talking about is an editorial Cole wrote for the Legal Times on the one year anniversary of 9/11 in 2002."  joshuapundit

Jennifer Rubin "On Wednesday, Obama shed any pretense of bipartisanship in making six recess appointments. As were his previous recess appointments, this batch included two individuals whose records are so controversial that they could not obtain confirmation even with 59 Democratic senators. Also included was Stephen Ford, nominated as ambassador to Syria and stymied as a forceful rebuttal to Obama's failed Syrian engagement policy."

Who Is James Cole? Why's He So Blase About 9/11?  "Sean Hannity warned about his views back on June 16:
All right, this president sure knows how to pick them. The Anointed One's nominee to be the number two at the Department of Justice thinks that 9/11 is similar to any other domestic crime. In a 2002 article James Cole wrote, quote, "Our country has faced many forms of devastating crime including countless acts of rape, child abuse and murder. The acts of September 11th were horrible, but so are these other things."