Thursday, December 30, 2010

(Updated) So much for bipartisanship -- a slew of recess appointments

Rep. Peter King: Obama Recess Justice Dept. Appointment 'Shocking' 
“This may be one of the worst appointments by President Obama during his presidency,” King added, referring to Cole as a “left-wing ideologue who places terrorists in the same categories as drug peddlers."
"What he's talking about is an editorial Cole wrote for the Legal Times on the one year anniversary of 9/11 in 2002."  joshuapundit

Jennifer Rubin "On Wednesday, Obama shed any pretense of bipartisanship in making six recess appointments. As were his previous recess appointments, this batch included two individuals whose records are so controversial that they could not obtain confirmation even with 59 Democratic senators. Also included was Stephen Ford, nominated as ambassador to Syria and stymied as a forceful rebuttal to Obama's failed Syrian engagement policy."

Who Is James Cole? Why's He So Blase About 9/11?  "Sean Hannity warned about his views back on June 16:
All right, this president sure knows how to pick them. The Anointed One's nominee to be the number two at the Department of Justice thinks that 9/11 is similar to any other domestic crime. In a 2002 article James Cole wrote, quote, "Our country has faced many forms of devastating crime including countless acts of rape, child abuse and murder. The acts of September 11th were horrible, but so are these other things."

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