Washington Times "The repeal effort was made a day after a judge in Florida ruled that Congress breached the Constitution when it enacted the measure last year. U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson was the second jurist to say that Congress exceeded its powers by requiring Americans to buy insurance, known as the "individual mandate."
"But the Florida judge went further, saying that if the individual mandate is unconstitutional, so is the entire law."
ObamaCare; now what? " But Democrats have an easy fallback for that, which will be their argument from now until the cows come home ... repealing ObamaCare will be a deficit-buster. Yup! They will say that they cannot support the amendment because they are conscious about our deficit problems. We've already
blown this argument to smithereens, but the fact is that deficit concerns will continue to be a fallback"....
"Let's just recognize that the Democrats recognize that Americans are very upset about the lack of jobs out there, so pretty much any bill they try to pass is going to be called a jobs bill. They could pass a bill requiring you to wash your hands 10 times a day and they would call it a jobs bill because somebody has to manufacture the soap." Emphasis added.
All GOP senators now on board for Obamacare repeal "The following GOP senators were the last ones to sign on as co-sponsors of S. 192: Lamar Alexander (TN), Thad Cochran (MS), Susan Collins (ME), Chuck Grassley (IA), John Hoeven (ND), Richard Lugar (IN), and Lisa Murkowski (AK).
"Certainly, Judge Vinson's ruling on Monday helped to sway some of these stragglers."
Even the RINOs came on board.