Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wisconsin Protesters Surround Bus With Republican Senators, Bang on Windows and Doors

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion  "After the vote passing the budget repair bill, Republican Senators were led from the Capitol through a tunnel, and then onto a bus, where protesters surrounded them and chased the bus, as reported by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel."

Obama's Long Nose On Energy

 Powerline Blog   "The President's anti-energy policies are a man-made disaster. Try as he may to deflect responsibility away from his own policies, President Obama can't escape from the simple fact that the actions of his administration have dramatically slowed down domestic energy production. As a consequence, his policies are directly responsible for increasing gas prices."

Those Japanese nuclear reactors

Red Alert: Nuclear Meltdown at Quake-Damaged Japanese Plant   "A March 12 explosion at the earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Japan, appears to have caused a reactor meltdown."   Plus this.
Officials Claim Positive Signs on Japanese Reactor   "New developments at Japan's earthquake-damaged nuclear reactor may suggest positive signs for authorities' efforts to contain the problem." This and nunerous related links from STRATFOR.

Tsunami hits Kona side of the Big Island. "This video shows the tidal surge, 100 photos taken over a 45-minute period, from the Royal Kona Resort:"...

Japan Nuclear Plant Explosion "An explosion at a nuclear power station about 160 miles north of Tokyo Saturday tore down the walls of one building and caused a radiation leak of unknown proportions."

More updates here   Or "upadates" as it is spelled here.

Tensions High At U.S. Congressional Hearing On Muslim Radicalization  "Others who testified, however, gave personal accounts of Muslims who had become radicalized, and said their experiences justified the hearing.
"Melvin Bledsoe told lawmakers how radical imams in his home state set his son on a path to terrorism and led him to move to Yemen.
"U.S. officials say Bledsoe's son, Carlos, has admitted to killing a U.S. soldier outside an army recruiting station in Arkansas.
"When asked by a member of the committee whether the U.S. imams that allegedly helped radicalize Carlos knew what they had done, Bledsoe said: "Sure, they know. They're waiting around to do it again to someone else's child. That's why I'm here today, hoping that the American people are listening. I hope you hear me. I hope you learn something from this. I don't think that any other child or any other parent in America should have to go through what I'm facing today.""

Rep. Peter King is being demonized for holding hearings on a problem that Attorney General Holder says “keeps me up at night.”   "If King had convened a hearing on the threat of salt to our health and lives, committee Democrats no doubt would have pored over every variant — refined, unrefined, iodized — of the damnable substance. They can’t summon the same feeling for investigating Islamic extremism, considering such an inquiry an offense against multiculturalism. The Democrats made King’s first hearing a circus. He nonetheless achieved an important, if inadvertent, success: exposing his critics as hysterical fools."  Rich Lowry

It’s Not Just Al-Qaeda "Rep. Peter King...did not call these hearings because he thinks most Muslims are terrorists. He called these hearings because he would not be doing his job if he failed to investigate the means by which some Muslims — and some mosques — are being radicalized. “I strongly believe that there is a concerted effort by al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda affiliates to recruit young Muslims living legally in this country,”"

Friday, March 11, 2011

Today Show Calls GOP 'Surprise' Vote in Wisconsin an 'Outrage'

Media Research Center  "In the ensuing Yang piece, headlined: "Outrage In Wisconsin, Senate Republicans Cut Union Rights, Bypass Democrats" Yang never bothered to mention the reason Republicans passed the bill "without Democrats" was because they were hiding out, but he did make sure to include footage of protesters repeatedly chanting "Shame!""

Wall Street Journal   "Gov. Scott Walker on Friday signed a bill eliminating most collective-bargaining rights for the state's public-employee unions, setting a precedent other states could follow in the broadest move in decades to curb union rights.
"The bill's passage Thursday by the state's Republican-controlled Assembly in a 53-42 vote ended a three-week stalemate that saw the state's 14 Senate Democrats flee to Illinois in a bid to stymie the measure and tens of thousands of people protest at the Capitol."

Bravery and Common Sense Prevail in Wisconsin  "The courage of the Wisconsin Senate conservatives cannot be understated. Before the vote, lawmakers were threatened with death and physical violence. After the vote, thousands of protesters stormed into the capitol building, ignoring announcements from police that the building was closed. Once inside, and at great risk to the public welfare, activists handcuffed some doors to the capitol shut. When security escorted the Senators to another building, a Democrat tipped off the mob, which then surrounded their cars and tried to break their windows as Senators returned home."

Cowards, More Cowards, and Heroes  “The Senate Democrats have had three weeks to debate this bill and were offered repeated opportunities to come home, which they refused,” Walker said. “In order to move the state forward, I applaud the Legislature’s action today to stand up to the status quo and take a step in the right direction to balance the budget and reform government.”

Anti-bullying conference

Bullying really isn't what it used to be   "Never mind that the Leftists clamoring for social justice for ‘poor' and underperforming students, have systematically destroyed the best means to academic success, character, and ending bigotry -- the power of parents, faith, and personal responsibility and accountability.
"It's nearly impossible to question the billions being funneled into failing programs and ‘well-meaning' social engineering, let alone the true motives of a Kevin Jennings, without being called a bigot. This certainly isn't the first progressive program based on that premise; certainly not the last to use bullying, in more ways than one."

Union Myths

Thomas Sowell  "Nothing shows the utter cynicism of the unions and the politicians who do their bidding like the so-called "Employee Free Choice Act" that the Obama administration tried to push through Congress. Employees' free choice as to whether or not to join a union is precisely what that legislation would destroy."

Mosques Flourish While Churches Perish

Raymond Ibrahim   "Such, then, is the plight of Christians and their churches in the Muslim world — and such is the irony: while mosques, some of which breed radicalization and serve as terrorist bases, start dotting America's landscape, churches are on their way to becoming extinct in the Middle East, the cradle of Christianity. More pointedly, as America allows Muslims to build a mega-mosque near Ground Zero — which was annihilated by Islamists partially radicalized in mosques — America's "moderate friends" in the Muslim world blatantly persecute Christians and their churches."

Friend vs. Friend in Obama's America

American Thinker  "The media has repeatedly pushed the idea that TEA Partiers, Republicans, and conservatives take issue with the President's agenda because of racism, thereby squelching a legitimate debate of ideas.  Many dismiss this as just another attempt to devalue conservatism by a liberal biased media.  While that may be true we must admit that it has been effective and take note how it plays out in real life."

A flow of anti-Israel poison -- from Israel, to Britain, to the heart of the U.S. capital

American Thinker  "Western culture -- whether expressed in books, plays, movies -- increasingly spews anti-Israel hatred across the globe. It's become a radical-chic campaign by a growing number of writers, directors, actors and other performers to demonize and delegitimize the Jewish state -- often laced with not-so-subtle anti-Semitic stereotypes.
"A couple of recent examples:"...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Another smear against Rep. King by the former 'paper of record'

American Thinker  "It's not surprising, but it is another blood-boiling instance of the self-proclaimed "paper of record" acting more like the propaganda organ for the left wing of the Democratic Party than a legitimate news venue."

The King Hearings

Muslims enraged at King's hearings show that Islam is a Religion of Peace by threatening his life
"The Obama administration has tried to frame the discussion around radicalization in general, without singling out Muslims. King has said that's just political correctness since Al Qaeda is the main threat to the U.S."

Congressman sobs in testimony during King hearings  "King and others in this hearing have gone out of their way to repeat that they are looking into radical Islam as a major problem in home-grown terrorism.  Even that won’t satisfy Ellison, who seems determined to shout (or sob) down any attempt to talk about the nature of radical Islam and the threat to national security it represents as somehow an attack on all Muslims."
Some Democrats Can’t Handle the Truth at Peter King Hearings  "“It may be right, but it doesn’t look right when we take on Islam, and we allow this to take place, and we don’t take the chance to tell the truth about the KKK and the problems with Christianity,” said Rep. Green today. “It doesn’t look right, Mr. [Zuhdi] Jasser, when we take on one religion with the exclusion of others.”"

Inside King’s Hearing   "King, his voice firm, explains the purpose of hearings. He calls them “vital and important” at the top. Today’s session, he says, will be the “first in a series of hearings” dealing with the “critical issue” of Islamic extremism in United States. He adds that he is “well aware” that the hearings are stirring controversy and reactions ranging from “disbelief” and “rage” to “hysteria.” Again, he emphasizes that he will “not back down.” To do so, he warns, “would be an abdication” of his committee’s duty to “protect Americans from terrorist attacks.” There is “nothing radical or un-American” about that, he says."

Rep. Peter King is alerting us to the Islamic radicals already among us.  " “American Muslims must take the lead in creating solutions to the radicalization of our own,” Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D., wrote Wednesday on “These hearings will provide the long overdue platform for us to step away from the standard denials and apologetics in order to reclaim our Muslim identity from the terrorists and redefine ourselves within the framework of the American pantheon.” Jasser, a former U.S. Navy lieutenant commander and now president of the Phoenix-based American Islamic Forum for Democracy, testified today before Congressman King."

Rep. Peter King, the IRA, and the Hearings on Radical Islam in the United States  "It would be far better if King could look critically at his own past, and say something like this: “In the past, my ancestral ties to Ireland and my belief in Irish independence blinded me to the tactics, politics and associations of the IRA, which I unfortunately supported years ago. Would I be able to go back in time, knowing what I do in the present, I would never have backed fund-raising campaigns that I learned helped fund IRA attacks in Britain, against civilian targets. I regret my actions. That is why I seek to help my country and the broad Muslim community stand firm today against those who would use Islam as a way to gain support for dangerous radicals who speak in its name.”

"That he is doing the opposite will only hurt what he is trying to accomplish with the hearings that start today."