"Melvin Bledsoe told lawmakers how radical imams in his home state set his son on a path to terrorism and led him to move to Yemen.
"U.S. officials say Bledsoe's son, Carlos, has admitted to killing a U.S. soldier outside an army recruiting station in Arkansas.
"When asked by a member of the committee whether the U.S. imams that allegedly helped radicalize Carlos knew what they had done, Bledsoe said: "Sure, they know. They're waiting around to do it again to someone else's child. That's why I'm here today, hoping that the American people are listening. I hope you hear me. I hope you learn something from this. I don't think that any other child or any other parent in America should have to go through what I'm facing today.""Rep. Peter King is being demonized for holding hearings on a problem that Attorney General Holder says “keeps me up at night.” "If King had convened a hearing on the threat of salt to our health and lives, committee Democrats no doubt would have pored over every variant — refined, unrefined, iodized — of the damnable substance. They can’t summon the same feeling for investigating Islamic extremism, considering such an inquiry an offense against multiculturalism. The Democrats made King’s first hearing a circus. He nonetheless achieved an important, if inadvertent, success: exposing his critics as hysterical fools." Rich Lowry
It’s Not Just Al-Qaeda "Rep. Peter King...did not call these hearings because he thinks most Muslims are terrorists. He called these hearings because he would not be doing his job if he failed to investigate the means by which some Muslims — and some mosques — are being radicalized. “I strongly believe that there is a concerted effort by al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda affiliates to recruit young Muslims living legally in this country,”"
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