Teachers Union Leader Calls Wisconsin a Revolution Against “Evil” Republicans, Wants Everyone to Learn From Socialists… "Bonus: The teachers union can’t even spell their own name correctly, “American Federation of Teeachers.”"
TEACHERS UNION MOMENT OF THE DAY "Union teachers in Wisconsin taking their pupils to the Capitol so that they can line up in the rotunda and chant "Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Scott Walker's got to go!" The teachers then led the kids ... looking like they were about eight or ten years old ... in chanting several pro-union slogans. Don't you just love that?"
Sen. Schumer: House GOP Acting Like "Scott Walker Republicans" ""Walker didn't take yes for an answer, he went further and insisted on ending collective bargaining entirely. The budget fight going on here is not really about budget cuts either. The conservative Republicans in the House are showing themselves to be Scott Walker Republicans," Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said on a conference call today." Plus video.