Wednesday, March 16, 2011

G8 Refuses To Back No-Fly Zone As Libyan Forces Advance Against Rebels  ""We are seeing and witnessing a Qaddafi that is the Lockerbie Qaddafi," Cannon added, referring to the bombing of a U.S. airliner over Lockerbie, Scotland, that killed 270 people in 1988.
""This is the same individual who the world had condemned, and quite clearly one of the things I will be pushing for tomorrow is to be able to make sure that the sanctions that were there at the time, we should all invest again in putting those sanctions in place," he said.
"Arab League chief Amr Musa has asked the UN to impose the flight ban, saying its only purpose would be to protect Libyan civilians from air strikes by Qaddafi's military. But the Arab League says there should not be foreign troops deployed to Libya."

Lack of Leadership: France Takes Lead in Libya While Obama Fiddles  from Canada Free Press
"You know that an American administration has proven useless and ineffective for supporting liberty and freedom in oppressed countries when even France… France… takes the lead in recognizing a struggling, independent liberty movement. Such is the case in Libya where French President Nicolas Sarkozy has recognized and supported the Libyan rebels struggling to over throw Libyan dictator Gaddhafi."  How do you say "surrender monkeys" in French? 

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