Blackfive |
Burial at sea w/ according to Islamic custom "I would have preferred his body to lie in state on the National Mall for a few days to allow all Americans to come by and spit on the dirty bastard. The we could have had a national bonfire of reconciliation around his flaming a--. I can only hope that the SEALs who killed him washed his body in accordance w/ Pipehitter Union 69's bodily fluids policies."
Did you think to consider THIS fringe benefit from the raid? INTELLIGENCE! "Radical Islamists are going to want to exact revenge … and they know they need to strike quickly. Why quickly? Because they know that our Navy Seals came out of that bin Laden compound in Pakistan with boatloads of intelligence in the form of documents and computers. Al Qaeda operatives around the world know that they may well have been identified and located through the intelligence gathered during the raid. They are all now targets. In fact, my guess is that there are operations going on around the world right now to take these people out. Perhaps they feel that they need to strike while they’re still able." Neal Boortz
Fake; disregard these. |
Evidence exists "The Obama administration has actual photographs of bin Laden's corpse, but officials are still struggling over what to do with them, says ABC News. The White House is weighing the benefits of releasing the photos to combat skepticism around the world about bin Laden's death versus the gruesome nature of the photos. (There are blood and brains visible in the head wound above his left eye.)"
"A U.S. official told NBC News Monday morning that the Pentagon is in possession of a "very, very" graphic photograph of bin Laden's body - and that there is a debate over whether to release it. There is clearly an appetite for such a picture: A photograph of what was purported to be bin Laden's corpse circulated online Sunday night - though it was later revealed to be a fake. "